Where Im At In My TF Journey As A Female DM
Female DM Perspective (deleted this comment from a tarot video and decided to make it a blog post and not waste nrg on commenting on these LED light workaz/twin flame tarot readers who don't acknowledge comments from certain actual TWINS who's nrg they channeling off of via spying our content. Yeah I said it... that's how they snatch NRG by trying to appeal to you during seperation phases. So snatched my comment and my like back! AHHAHAHAHA Now back to the topic at hand 🖐 I do wonder if I can be at least 70% of myself with that person while still keeping 30% of myself sacred just for me which would be perfect and I will honor that vice versa. And I'm sure TF has similar sentiments. I'm a person who requires lots of space and one would have to compete with my solitude. I feel we're both on the same type of thing so that's why I always sends TF good energy periodially and keep going on with my life. I know that eventually we're going to run into each ...