Astral Chronicles #4

 From 2 months ago Mid-August 2022


So I have this dream that the apartment that I used to live at with my grandmother it looked a little slightly different then the 3D one but anyway I had a dream that there was a fire at the top of the stairs and then we all had to leave. I saw my grandma laying on like a couch. I tried to wake her up to take her with me after I had got my daughter ready and some other kids that were there. Random babies I think two other girls or a girl and a boy, not sure who they were to me. I tried to get my grandma out the couch the people in the background was telling me that she was dead and that we have to leave her. She had woke up for a minute but then went right back to sleep. There was no one to help me lift her cuz I was still trying to get her out. But I couldn't, so I had to leave her which was hard to do. Seeing it from a safe distance along with everyone in the neighborhood watching, I saw a smoke coming from the top floor. At this particular apartment that me and my grandmother used to live which was 1165 locust Ave. (1111) we was the only unit downstairs. Apartment #101 (11).

I remember wanting to run back in the building I said I wanted to get important documents to someone, I didn't want to mention my grandmother to a stranger. The person responded you can get all that back. I want to try to run back in and grab as much as I could. Anyways the dream is over I saw 11:29 as I woke up and 11:47 just now when I was googling away the symbolism of the dream.

So basically it was saying that if it's like a childhood home that's burning down is that you miss the security that you had. Which makes sense because I was trying to get my grandma out the house, she gave me the most security as a child and I only experienced that from 11 months old to about 12. When narcissistic relatives who are jealous of our relationship decided to split us apart. We deteriorated in different ways without each other. She lost her eyesight immediately after I left, and I lost my zest for life, my personality changed drastically. She did come later in my teens to the state I was living but this was after she was already blind. But I always believed that if people would have never separated us she would have never lost her eyesight. I know that sounds strange but I really believe there was a spiritual reason why she went blind. Anyways I feel like the dream symbolized that new changes are definitely coming, in that I need the same security as I did when I was a child which is what she provided for me. You always feel the safest at Grandma's house right? That was were I felt the most motherly love at its purest form. What a dream to close out cancer season huh.

In the dream I learned that everything that I have lost or had to leave behind will be replaced with something better. My grandmother was more of a symbol in the dream. That they're going to be new big changes coming into my life and I need to welcome it full force and wholeheartedly. No more running back into burning buildings to retrieve what's going to be replaced, not referring to Gran though. I know that my grandma will always be with me so that doesn't mean she's going to be replaced but I'm talking about possessions that I was trying to get in the dream. I mean maybe I may find a motherly energy in my new life that is reminiscent of her who knows. I never realized that the address where we lived had a lot of elevens. 1165 locust Ave #101 

I always dream about this apartment because that is where I had my most significant memories good or bad. I got to variations of the place in different dimensions quite often, it's my safe spot, I even linked up with my TF there in a dream some months ago. We was chilling like it our place. 🤔 Interesting that I wake up on a Tuesday (Mars) from a dream regarding fire. 🏠 🔥 🚒


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