Funny Observations On My YT Premiere

 Welcome 🤗 to yet another Blogcast episode y'all!

So yeah um... 😆 

I'm noticing some little funny s*** when it comes to my YouTube premieres. Now lately I have been posting up videos late in the middle of the night because I'm having some insomnia my sleeping pattern is a little out of whack. Today I checked my timeline nobody was posting any readings or lies. I'm methodically post around 3:00 a.m. to about maybe 4:00 a.m. sometimes right. So I noticed nobody else is posting videos but since I started doing that I noticed that one particular tarot reader will automatically post a video right afterwards. You can tell when people are watching you because as soon as you post a video up at a time when there are no new videos in the feed, they'll be posting one up like right after you. So again this was tonight, I posted up a Oracle reading video and this is what I noticed; I watch my premiere to see how it all turns out and so the chat box is open during YouTube premieres, much like a how it is when you're doing a live stream. So there's always this one extra viewer that peaks in and out over and over. I don't know who it is because it's not like a live stream where it shows who's coming in to the video. But it's a premiere so it'll show the number of people in the room but it won't say who they are unless they comment. So there's this peekaboo ass b**** that would come on my premiere for like 2 minutes leave back out, and then come back in. So my video only like 15 minutes right, so right after the video is done I take a scroll on my timeline and this person is going live! 😆 I'm really thinking that I definitely do have some peekaboo-ass copycat hoes who know this when I have a premiere they'll click on it to see what my title is and then they'll hop off and start going live or they'll do a video literally right after me. Notice that I do this late at night so now all of a sudden people doing late night readings when they wasn't doing that before. Because the time that I post there are no new videos on the feed so my video will pop up at the top so I know that they see my s***. If you have people that are secret watchers the algorithm picks up on it so that'll be the first thing at the top of their news feed. I just find it weird that this person will hop in and out of my video don't say anything no likes no comments and then be like okay well I'm going to make a video now. Why wait until I make a video for you to make a video so if I didn't do this f****** video you would have waited until the morning? Is that what it is? Now again I don't have no beef or nothing but I just can't stand the funny s*** and I'm wondering if there's some type of correlation between that peekaboo ghost watcher and a reader all of a sudden going live. Meanwhile there are people in the tarot community that post five six readings every f****** day like give it a rest baby girl. If you did like 10 readings today I think that's good enough but as soon as you see me post the video, now you're going to make your 11th video at 3:00 a.m. 😆 yooo come on now. No Tino shade this is just an observation or whatever. I also noticed some other things before I had gained some subscribers when I had first tried to reach 800. There was someone who kept subscribing and unsubscribing and I think it was the same person and it was doing it on purpose to get my attention. Another observation is people riding the top of other readers who low key plagiarize off of others, people need to be careful who they dick riding is what I'm saying. Like I remember when I was trying to get to 800 subscribers this one person would unsubscribe on purpose so that it could be 799 subscribers. I guess I must have said on my community post that I'm almost up to 800 or I just made it to 800 I think I did post something like that. So they wanted to try to be funny and unsub. That was the recent past I'm almost up to a thousand now. But I know for sure I'm definitely being watched when I look at my analytics you guys, 90% of my viewers are non-subscribers 👀 YES YOU HEARD ME NON-SUBSCRIBERS that are between the ages of 35 and 44 and that is my age group. So it could be people that I support and subscribe to that low-key be watching me and be hating and copying. Some people search me and some people found my video through related videos. This isn't the first time every time I do a premiere it's always an extra person that hops on and off like at least two times and then when my video is over, I will see a reader post up a video or alive. Then Spirit would direct me to click on the video and then they will be saying something similar to what I said. A lot of the times I be clicking on certain people because I just want to see and confirm that they are indeed doing so. I swear this was not happening a few weeks ago nobody was doing late night readings but I guess I'm not the only one that has insomnia so I'll be fair about that. But who the f*** is this peekaboo b**** though ?! 😆 I don't even do 10 readings a day everyday like some people so why you so pressed to do a reading after me. It's almost like they don't want me to be the last one to post the reading of the night. If you have more subscribers and people that comment etc why be so Panini pressed is what I'm saying. The next time I watch my own premiere, I'm a comment on that person. I'm wondering what time zone they live in because I'm in the Pacific time zone and it's 3:00 in the morning when I post mine so it has to be four or five or six a.m. in the other time zones. So my video would be at the top of the feed for the next day am I correct? I definitely don't want to overuse my spiritual gang gang by burning them out and doing so many readings everyday, that's just not the type of time that I'm on. What happens is these girls get so burnt out and they start regurgitating the same stuff over and over that they get desperate from material and start combing through their subscribers who also do tarot readings to siphon off of their creativity. 

That's why I've been picking up on the energy so much with the latest readings that I've been doing I always try to make sure I add something a little different, I try to switch up my analogy and Tarot talking points so that it doesn't all sound the same. It gets redundant after a while when a person has the same spiel in several of their videos. Another observation that I have noticed is people using index cards now I know people have been doing this for a while now I'm I'm not even sure who started this s***. I really don't think that index cards are credible divination tools. Although I don't mind when people create their own tarot cards out of index cards and they add their artwork to it cuz I saw a guy do that on YouTube and it looks really nice. Like that's creative I don't have a problem with that but I'm talking about the ones that have 100 index cards with the weirdest s*** written on them. Wtf 😒 😆 and now it's like readers are starting to get very lazy and just use nothing but index cards that project a lot of negative situations on to the viewer. And doesn't help that everybody and their mama and baby daddy is using index cards. Now if it's motivational messages and let's say you couldn't get a Tarot deck and you're still practicing that's totally okay. But these b****** will put some weird gloom and doom soap opera ass s*** on these damn cards. Like they really trying to make their story your story. 

I also noticed that readers will also copy off of other people's tarot decks if they see you using a particular deck next thing you know they'll have that same deck and can't even read it right. They don't even take the time to connect with the cards, they're just in a rush to compete with somebody and I can tell because they can't even elaborate on the card. Uppah East I believe made some type of subliminal reference towards me because I sit in my community post about another reader I'm a call her TayTay decided to get African goddess Rising Oracle and couldn't even elaborate on The Maa't card and she skipped right over it and threw some more cards down was like yeah daddaada ... 😂 Chiiiiilllldd so in my community post I'm basically was saying that you should read the guidebook to get to know the author and connect with the cards and then you can add your own spin to it and put it all together. Well UppaEast decided to say the exact word guide book in one of her videos and purposely replied by seeing they don't have to read the guy book that they use their own intuition yada to the other girl bye. If you buy a deck from someone it would be nice to read their guidebook to see what their inspiration is to me that is showing respect to the author. Furthermore, they also can have special interpretation for their cars that you can incorporate in your readings which can only be helpful. Saying you don't have to read their guidebook is basically telling the author f*** you I  do it how I want to do it.  And you may not even be doing it right. This is more so in regards to like Oracle decks because of course the author has their own special meanings and backstories to these cards especially when they have archetypes on them. There's something very narcissistic and dismissive about that. So when she said guide book I know she was making a reference towards what I said in my community post, this is the same one that was copying off of my ig snaps to YouTube short videos that I post with my tarot business advertisements. Take the time to connect with the cards instead of rushing to get it just because you see that somebody else get it we're not in elementary school stop being a Me Too Bitch. When I get a new deck I sleep with it under my pillow for a couple of days, then I look at each card and see what I can pick up on it just by looking at the artwork, the colors, the numbers etc. Then I proceed on to look at the guide book and read up page to page. And I put it all together along with any other intuitive downloads that I get during my readings that's how I do my s*** and I know everybody different but I would never disregard an author who worked hard to create their decks. I believe you should always have your own spend on things but what is the harm in looking at a guidebook? There's way too much spiritual narcissism and elitism in this community and it's getting on my damn nerves. Everybody want to be top dog too many chiefs not enough Indians. They do s*** like this and they wonder why they ask this is getting attacked, cuz you acting like you were authority and above somebody. They really don't be saying s*** either not anything you need that I haven't heard before. 

Today I noticed that somebody that I used to watch and their readings were very hidden I decided to go on one of their old videos and see if I can look at my comments cuz I was going to try to delete some comments and unsubscribe from people. And when I went on this lady video, she liked it everybody else's coming except for mine and my comment was in the middle and she skipped mine and went to the top to the bottom you know what I'm saying it just kind of looked obvious. Every comment had a heart instead of mine so you know what I did, I deleted that s*** sure did. Nothing the reason why she did it and I'm going to call her sister girl is because I believe she was trying to attack twin flames by talking bad about the twin flame journey and bringing up stereotypes because of her own personal feelings. She put her own personal opinions about how she feels about it in her reading, and even her voice changed when she did that. And she knew that I was watching her video and I have a feeling that she probably viewed my channel and saw some of my video titles regarding twin flames. It's unfortunate that as soon as you like somebody and you connect with their readings, that they find some way to try to take shots at you. When is person made the comments I clicked off the video because I felt them trying to attack my heart chakra. If you're not a twin flame then stop speaking on twin flames and anybody that's claiming it that's karmic you don't have to paint us all with a bad brush. Keep your personal opinions out of your readings that's a part of being a professional. I don't know why you would be so pressed and bothered over other people's journey. So I definitely addressed it in my community post and like I said since b****** like to lurk on my channel I'm pretty sure she saw it and decided to act stush. Sometimes I like to test b****** out just to confirm that I know that they're being fake just by commenting to see if they reply or like the comment versus everybody else. The folks in the tarot Community are very narcissistic if these comments are not fan girl worthy, they will show you how they feel in the comment section. That's why I was saying in my readings to be careful and comment sections. That's the reason why Spirit was prompting me to go back on certain videos that I commented on and just go ahead and delete them.. remember in the narc files blog one of my recent ones, I mentioned that these hoes be buying comments so they monitor their comment section. Trust and believe they build cases around people that they feel is a threat to them. so if you're spilling your guts in the comment section or you're sharing your gifts or even just trying to relate to them they will look at you as competition and click on your profile to check your channel out. They'll watch a couple of videos pop in and out of your premier videos like what happened to me tonight, and then hop on there videos and live streams to take jabs. And they are taking jabs at the very people that actually support their Channel That's how stupid these b****** are. Again, I don't know these people ain't no real beef none of that but I will call out some weird ass s*** when I see it and it's hella weird s*** in the YouTube tarot streets. These Hoes don't have an original bone in their body I know for a fact you've been on my channel cuz my energy is all over you, you using my unique and colorful vocabulary you bring up the same analogies that I'm bringing up. These are the main b****** I swear up and down everybody copying in that's why I said in my intuitive mail that copycats are going to be exposing other copycats, this is to take the heat up off of them and project the accusation somewhere else. And when my blessed eyes no longer watches your videos trust and believe your s*** start dwindling because you need my energy for your platform. If you're not a twin don't speak up on twins, don't speak about s*** you don't know about periodt.

But anyway y'all I just wanted to share that tonight and like I said the next time I post a video and I watch my own premiere and I see that peek-a-boo b**** I'm going to throw some shade. I'mma make a list of who I suspect is siphoning off of my creative energy and I'm going to run it by TB to get to the bottom of it so that I can block them from my channel. I'm going to click not interested in do not recommend.. I wish you two had a future where you could stop people from watching your videos when you block them so they can steal material from you. Now I know they could probably just make a new profile to do it but I'm just saying there has to be a way. I think they should create a feature where they tell you who joins in your premiere video even if they don't comment. 


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