Spirit Showing Me Tarotland Copycats

 Greetings all welcome to another Blogcast!

When you really pay attention to the algorithm spirit will show you a lot of different things. Today I was shown a person that I am not subscribed to however I'm not quick to subscribe to people these days I like to watch them a little bit. But anyhow, so you guys know that I come up with different segments for my videos or should I say themes I'll have a certain type of title and I will have like a theme to go with my video. For instance I have bonnet's beer and Tarot that I had created earlier this month I think oh no it was in September. I have one person I thought was trying to make a shot at me on Instagram because all of a sudden they want to post up a video with a woman wearing a bonnet but it was actually a video about like a tick tock video poking fun at misogyny and pick me women. But the caption on this person posts on Instagram said oh it's good advice so I caught that shade. And apparently so did my spirits because I believe that person got clipped I don't think it was all me though I think it was some of her clients and people that she likes to subliminally insult on her platform during her channelings. I ain't got no beef with her but you know it is what it is I'm not too invested with women especially in my sector I keep everybody at a distance.

So about my bonnet beer and Tarot why oh why, did I see a video of this one chick like I said I'm not subscribed to her but you know how you can put it on autoplay without clicking on the video? Well that's what happened their video came to the top of my feed. I noticed that when I post videos I swear to God within 10-15 minutes another tarot reader is posting a video and I posted certain times of the night. So I know for a fact they see that I post late at night for example and I've been noticing this since last week. I will post at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. in the morning because I just happened to been up and the spirits just have me up late at night creating. Saw post a video up around 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. and then all of a sudden I noticed a Tarot reader would do a late night tarot reading in the wee hours in the morning all of a sudden. Peculiar right? 🤔 So I see this young lady, the video goes on audio play and she has a black bonnet on. And I'm like is this a coincidence because I had just made a community post literally just a few days ago about how I was going to make another bonnet's beer in Tarot video and I had reposted my video. I'm experimenting with purchasing views since that's what these other girls are doing in this community because this young lady just barely created a channel 2 months ago and already got a certain number of subscribers I ain't going to put her numbers out there but she already got comments and I believe that SOME those are fake views fake comments and fake subscribers some real people are commenting but that's only because people see that you're popping and you got views. You got to remember that once people see you have value in terms of numbers of subscribers and views, then that will prompt them to participate and subscribe themselves. 

When I created this segment bonnets Beer Tarot I did not see anybody else really doing this. Now granted they do have some that work from home and they may post up a video with their head scarves on and their robes on etc but that's very rare most women in the tarot Community like to be all dolled up in front of the camera with perfect background around etc etc. I don't have no imaginary beef with anybody but I'm just noticing the little nuances of copycating ppl energy and it's mostly these new channels that just sprouted up less than 6 months ago. These are new channels that are claiming that other people are copying them when they just got here. I started posting my tarot videos in late 2019 I never came in the game like that name dropping people saying that celebrities are my twin flames etc etc cleaning other people are copying me. I believe a lot of these new channels started off as fanatics for other YouTube tarot readers and they found themselves disenchanted with their faves and decide to start their own channels, fair enough. But don't come in the game talking spicy 🥵 then hop on a video next week complaining about how you're under spiritual warfare and getting attacked like what did you think. I'm not invalidating some of their experiences because I do know that celebrities reality TV stars and other public figures and even higher up from there do watch YouTube spiritualists and Tarot readers. I do feel like just like any other content creator they talk about celebrities until they get that celebrities attention and then when they get it they complain about it or I'll do you one better.. when they get that celebrity attention and have some type of associate ship with them then they start to sell out and become very biased in their readings if they happen to do celebrity readings.

Anyways I'm going to still continue to do my bonnets beer and tarot I'm going to post up a video soon but it's interesting how this young lady comes up on the video with a black bonnet on after I promoted that I was going to do another video in my community tab. But it's okay I'm behind the scenes observing everybody. People that will copy off of you then take shots at you simultaneously without an ounce of originality themselves. I've been noticing that and even the ones that I did pay for cuz like I said I'm going to do it too LOL until I reach a certain number of course but yeah I have my channel for a long time I grew about $800 and something subscribers organically but ain't no shame in my game at least I'm being honest about it unlike some people in the community. I do know when you reach a certain number of views that your video tends to circulate in the feed so I do believe that these copycats watch my videos or see my titles because every time I do a premiere I noticed there's a person that comes in the video premiere and then leaves back out but they don't say anything. And then 10 to 15 minutes later, there's a new tarot video being posted. I do believe that Spirit showed me this for a reason like look over here this person Loki copying off of you cuz I've never seen this person on my feed before they just started popping up on my feet like maybe about a month or two ago. I believe I first saw a video of hers in August and I remember I was talking on my community post because I have a Virgo Channel strictly for Virgos. And I was announcing that I will post my videos and do live pop-up readings on my Instagram page and all that. This same person within the month of August I guess cuz I didn't find out till September, but this person ended up making a Virgo Channel all of a sudden. I didn't find out until September cuz all of a sudden again it pops up on my algorithm like Spirit want me to look at it so when I look on a page they only had the page for less than a month and already got 600 subscribers they definitely bought 500 of them m************ that's for sure.

I swear as soon as I post up a reading when nobody else is posting on YouTube because the time line or the YouTube feed is is old so as soon as I post up a video and I'm at the top I guess from a viewer standpoint, then another person ends up posting a video right after. So I do feel like the copycats like to peek at your videos when they premiere they may peek at your live streams if you do live streams but they won't say anything they'll see what you're talking about what's in your caption and then they'll click off your video. Then they will proceed to do their video. I'm directed to watch certain videos because Spirit wants to see who's taking bits and pieces of my talking points from my tarot readings. I guess you could say I'm fairly new I started in 2019 so I'm about 3 years in of posting my spiritual content and revealing that side of me on my channel that I've had for about 13 years. I had created my YouTube channel way back in 2009. 

I had left Facebook and I post here and there from Instagram I do post my readings on Instagram on my business page @seremein_ahari_tarotanica and on my Virgo page @la_virgo_mafia_tarot

I'm going to continue to stay behind the scenes and not say anything and just continue to observe because no matter what people do to try to copy and take shots at me on YouTube, I know they're influenced by me I am pretty much everybody's godmuvah. These young girls that just got these channels that came 6 months 3 months ago come into the community talking real big and reckless and I'm just going to sit back and watch the show to see if they really about what they say. Don't get me wrong I like Shortys reads she got a seemingly cool personality and everything but I'm going to keep my eye on her. I'm very aware that I do influence People where they want to admit it or not that's why I haven't really subscribed and I have been unsubscribing from some tarot channels that I don't no longer watch like that. I have not subscribed liked or commented on her video this is just an observation considering that she keeps popping up on my algorithm for her to be such a small Channel and I'm not searching for her. I think the only reason why I found these smaller channels is because they were beefing with larger channels. Now I do agree with some of their talking points and who they're exposing but it's just the way that they're going about it they're putting themselves in the line of fire but hey it's not my problem. I probably should have posted this in an narc files but.. that's okay I'm going to continue my observation / investigation behind the scenes like I do best and whatever my findings are I'll definitely take note of that.  There's a major copycat energy in the tarot community, copying readings lectures style verbiage posting styles etc. Just the other day there was another young lady with a very small Channel but she made a lot of noise calling out someone who is a larger personality in the sector I call her Loki copying but I'm not tripping off of her though. What she was doing was posting her IG stories what's going on YouTube shorts with her Instagram handle and cash at handle in this very same way that I do mines. When I went on her page to find out when she's first started posting it it was only 3 weeks ago at the time and I've been posting like that since last year before she even came on the scene but I am subscribed to her Channel she never subscribed to mine that's fine. I even be supporting these b****** online subscribing to them joining their lives and I can tell maybe I am supporting copycats. cuz I do believe they come on my page and they watch my s***. I did a reading on p*** Bots next you know a spirit directs me to a channel I'm not tripping off the lady I don't agree with everything she say when it come to twin flames and I felt like she was directing some of it towards me perhaps or maybe somebody else, but she end up mentioning p*** bots in her readings just days after I posted the video. So I'm telling you people really do be finagling in people's energies they won't subscribe to your channel like how you subscribe to theirs they won't come in and like like how you do theirs but they will watch your page from top to bottom though.   Then take the leftover scraps to their channels. I think they do this because these are the type of content creators that post every day and I mean several times a day sometimes they have one hour to two hour to three hour reading. So they get burnt out saying the same things over and over so I feel like in desperation of new material they come to pages such as mine to get new concepts and talking points for the reads. I'm not a person that post everyday several times a day because I just don't have that type of energy to do so but I do watch other channels that do that. As a chosen one when I watch people's channels they're able to tap into me in some kind of way because they'll resonate with me a little too good you feel me. I do feel like some part of a resonating is real and genuine depending on who it is but I do feel like they get a little greedy with their viewers energy. So anyway about this copycat that copied my ig story to YouTube short style, she was calling out some girl that she had online beef with and so I went to this girl's page to see what she talking about. You know me I like to do my little investigations to see what's going on and I like to hear from every party involved. So I go on this girl page and I look on her community post and she steals my intuitive mail concept but she calls it "Mail delivery 🚚 📬" when I scroll down to see how long she been doing it it only been a few weeks so somehow she must have found my channel cuz if their channels are popping up on my feet, then I know for damn sure my channel is popping up on their feet it has to be. Now again these are talented ladies don't get me wrong, when I checked out this girl page one of her readings to see what she was talking about when she first called her out it was pretty good. The IG copycat chick we going to call her "Uppah East" her accent is very similar to Dolores Claiborne. Well anyway she said in her video that the girl is pretty much the copycat of the tarot Community AKA tarot land and she might be a little right about that but I don't know everybody that she's copying because I don't watch everybody like that you know what I'm saying it's whoever she chooses to watch I guess I don't know. But UppaEast already making her allegiance known to somebody who is a known karmic and she needs to be careful with who she makes alliances with who she tried to fan because these young girls need to understand that these b****** aren't their friends in the tarot community.  Part of me wants to tell them and I think in some way I have in a weird telepathic way but there's really nothing you can do I think that you just have to let people fall and bump their heads. I do not have any malice for any of these people but I just want people to be more original in this community and not so competitive and cutthroat. And this is what I've noticed the most about black women who decide to pick up a Tarot deck or black women who enter into the spiritual community. I swear we take all of our hangups and gripes frustrations that we have within our communities and we let it spill over into our spiritual business or platforms. I'm probably going depth about this later on. 

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go lend my eyes to their platform to see what type of time these women are on just know that I'll be keeping it close eye on y'all it's okay you know it's only right since I'm y'all GodMuvah or whatevah


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