YouTubers in "Spiritual" Communitayy Buying Comments? 👀 #SocialExperiment #SocialInvestigation


Welcome to another Blogcast hope all is well! 

So it is known that many YouTubers in the Spuritual Communitayy and specifically the tarot sector does in fact purchase subscribers views and Now comments. My curiosity peaked when I was listening to "MetaStar" accusing one of her foes of purchasing views for her reading that was a subliminal towards her in order for it to circulate around. That got my wheels turning so I decided to try it out as a social experiment to purchase views and subscribers. So I did test it on a few videos of mine and it does indeed work. I've been watching videos on YouTube marketing and they said that having subscribers is nice but the number doesn't matter only the views is what matters because you get paid for it. Since everybody else is cutting corners in this sector, I can dip my pinky toe in the water I suppose. At least I'm being honest about it, and if it helps me to get revenue fine by me. But I don't think that I will ever buy comments though that's a little extreme to me. It's bad enough we get bot comments as it is why do I need to purchase them I already have some of them making comments for free. Luckily for me, I'm a very low key type of Channel I don't get troll comments at all very few in between maybe a couple years ago but I really don't get hate comments like that. I do consider myself very blessed in that regard but I damn sure ain't going to be by no damn positive comments. There is where I see it's very deceptive and insincere I wouldn't go that far to prove that I'm popping. But I will purchase views though I'm not going to lie because that's how you get paid you feel me and when you have a certain amount of subscribers certain features open up for you. I prefer to remain low-key with a decent following where I can make residual income month to month and I believe it is very possible I can do that. Like I always say, people do not value you until they see other people value. Which in turn brings me to my point that many of the tarot readers and other spiritualists who happened to do tarot videos have Rose to popularity fast, and I mean faster than they made their YouTube channel and this is due to purchasing subscribers views likes comments and shares. 

Today I learned something new I'm going to post an excerpt from an article regarding buying YouTube comments. 

What are the benefits of buying YouTube comments?

Buying comments allows you to provide a form of social proof that will help you to grow your business, brand or reputation on the worlds second biggest search engine.

Purchasing comments increases your engagement level. Comments are a key metric used in the Youtube algorithm to determine your relevancy, visibility and ranking.

Buying Youtube comments also increases the chances of more organic comments being left. People want to join in if they see a lively conversation going, and with our customised comment service you can encourage more people to get involved and have their say.

Do your videos have a large number of negative comments? Using our comments service is also a useful way of balancing out bad comments with good ones.

Another key benefit is that buying comments allows you to add authenticity to your bought views and likes. We always recommend buying views, likes and comments together, because if you have a lot of views or likes and not very many comments, people are more likely to think that your views are not organic.

So basically, what they are doing is that they are buying generic comments on their page with the option of making custom comments. This is where it gets very weird to me because you can type anything in the custom comment. So basically a Tarot reader can make a custom comment like for instance "I got a reading from you it was so cool you were very knowledgeable yada to the yada" and this would prompt an actual person reading the comment to purchase a reading from this tarot reader or spiritualist thinking that they are getting a good service. Now I'm not saying that some don't provide good services but what if this person could be a scammer or incompetent? Black Bonnet from yesterday's Blogcast, no beef with shorty but I know for sure she  purchased subscribers just the other day she had 600 and her Channel just started last month and now she's up to 1.2, K subs. Because how it goes up that fast within a matter of days is puzzling to me unless it's like some type of viral video. I could see that amassing thousands of views and comments and likes etc. When I looked into her comments some of them seemed a little peculiar but some seemed "personal" I guess indicating that they received services from this individual and that they were very satisfied etc etc. So Spirit told me to look that up and that this was the article that I came up on. So it is very likely that this young lady purchased comments on her Channel and as you can see from the excerpt, that fake comments will help encourage real organic comments why because people are prone to follow others. When I see other people liking and commenting and watching they will do the same. That me too NRG you feel me? I'm not one to hate it how you live however I really feel like it is deceptive to make custom personal comments suggesting that a customer was happy with their services when that customer does not exist it was bought from a website. Another thing I'm going to address in another blogcast is about how some of these readers are using pendulums which I have no problem with people using them. I have no interest in using pendulums however I noticed that this young lady she's on camera using the pendulum and for some reason my spirit doesn't take to it and I have to immediately click off. Pendulums are used for hypnosis as well so them swinging at it looking very intently into the camera I don't know I felt like this person could be hypnotizing their viewers. For some reason I didn't feel comfortable with watching her swing the pendulum cuz of course your eyes are going to go straight to the pendulum charm and that is how hypnotists do their thing. I think that viewers need to be careful when watching this. This is no shade to anybody using pendulums when they are off camera and it's just showing their hands that's fine but I'm talking about the ones that are showing their face on the camera. What could they be hypnotizing the viewer about? I'm not sure maybe to continue being a viewer perhaps to get them to take in the messages that they are giving in these readings. 

I know for myself personally I will never ever buy comments my comments are organic and then I have a few Bots that like to come by and drop their little b******* and that's okay too. But I wouldn't go that far as to create custom comments that are bigging up my services although I am good at what I do, I want my commentary to be real whether it's good bad or ugly. And yes I will delete the ugly comments but you get what I'm saying right 😆 

Just go ahead and read the article for yourself and go to YouTubers Channel and just take a look at the comment section and take a scroll. I never knew about any of these features until recently when I was listening to someone else's content accusing another person of doing so. So I decided to try it out when it came to the views and subscribers. All of which helps to push you into the algorithm. Shares and comments also matter too when it comes to that. It's really all about getting your videos circulated throughout the YouTube feed. I do understand the desire of these folks wanted to become monetized very soon wanting to have access to a community post feature etc. And this would be the reason why. I'm just a lil concerned about the dishonest fake comments which will

 prompt someone to want to get services from that person and that person could be a scammer or worse yet a karmic NRG vampire looking for a feast. Now it has me looking in comment sections I'm just wondering which ones are fake and which ones aren't. I've been trying to Google what the generic comments would look like but I would assume they would be very short sentences like thank you good reading awesome etc but it's the custom ones that trip me out. You get to choose the number and type in the box of what you want to say. This shit is getting more Truman Showish by the day. Gives a whole new meaning to fake it till you make it huh. I'm not judging unless you trying to scam then hell yeah bitch I'm judging like a muvafucka however, in the wrong hands can cause some trouble. So for all my YouTube viewers that like to watch these kinds of videos out there be mindful in the comments section. Don't believe.the hype.

Now I have had my channel since 2009 and I've organically grown my own subscribers to about 865 before trying to purchase subs. Now I wasn't always creating content I did it off and on within that 13-year span. I actually started off as a dual Channel with me and my sister but that didn't last because she was a hater and was jealous of my personality and energy and you can see it in in our video every time I spoke. Even watching that video makes me roll my eyes LOL and if we would have became a large Channel other people would have been able to see that and we would have broke apart anyway and it would have been public. So I think Spirit was definitely sparing me in that regard because they had plans for me and what I was going to do with it my channel later on. Started from a We channel and turned into a Me Channel. I was always wondering how other YouTubers in my sector were able to amass so many viewers and subscribers etc when they aren't as knowledgeable or entertaining as I am. Basically what I'm saying is I deliver the same content that they do I may not have all the bells and whistles and I admit that but I do give damn good content to the best of my knowledge and ability. And I have been getting reads from a particular individual I will name who's the only person that I use so far. And she told me from the very first time she read me, that I have people watching my channel like a hawk, very obsessively and trying to steal content from me out of jealousy. So of course I know this is karmic relatives ex-lovers former classmates and social media associates I gathered along the way that I no longer deal with. But it has been a constant theme in my personal reads from this person, more so recently, that she told me that this person was trying to copy off of me. She told me many people lost his copy off of me and I can see it my energy all up on people when I watch their videos. When you are chosen your energy is like a lipstick you leave a smudge everywhere you go AKA and impression on people. Lending our energy to anybody's platform is a blessing in disguise of that content creator that we are watching. And if most of their comments are fake and here we come with our again comment to give them some type of praise thank you for the messages they are given. We have to be mindful of what we share and how do we? This is how they come through the comments to find who their latest Target is I believe. Cuz they already know the fake comments that they wrote, so they come through the fake comments and find the organic ones. I really do feel like karmic readers build a case around people in their comment section so you must be careful with what you share unless you don't really care and you know that your s*** is protected and your discretion of course.

Every social media influencer purchases these packages online to get subs likes shares comments in order to circulate their channels through the algorithm. That's how some readers are able to make it at the top of the list when you're searching in the YouTube search engine.

I will continue to purchase subscribers and views until I become fully monetized and by then I will be well circulated and then I won't have to do it as much anymore. Even as long as I've had my channel and organically grew my 865 subscribers of real people, I didn't really post like that during the 13-year span again I started off as just a dual Channel we barely did videos together. We then stopped, and then I remix the channel to my own channel and just became a viewer for a few years. Then I would hop on like somewhere around 2015 ish I started doing my weight loss journey videos and then shortly after that my spiritual content. I didn't know YouTube was going to get this substantial back in 2009. I definitely have my regrets I really wish that I would have kept doing my content by myself from 2009 I would have been in a totally different spot by then. But of course I wasn't around the right energy at the time and spirit definitely wanted me to wait. Now that I'm advancing in my spiritual journey and I know how to identify the enemy and protect myself from an enemy regardless of who they are, that Spirit allow me to have the channel now and I have a whole new purpose that I never saw coming. I've always been spiritual on the lowest of keys I just wasn't around the right people to share that with. And having an outlet is very important to me, if I was to tell myself 30 years ago that I was going to have a Tarot Channel I would have half-heartedly believed it. As soon as I get my YouTube check it's a wrap that's all I want is to make residual income from home. I was watching this other young lady called Aaron on demand and she was showing her stats and how much money she made. She make roughly about a little over 2,000 every month, that's decent change! That'll make a huge difference so I'm not being condemnatory of those who are purchasing view so they can fake it today make it. I'm never one to knock the hustle, but the fake custom comments shit tho? Yeahhh nahhh can't rock with that shit no way. That's fraudulent and corny as hell, I want to see real organic comments from actual customers rightfully bigging you up. That way I know it's real and I may want to try out those services as a result of that. I'm very familiar with the fake comments industry I used to get paid for writing fake reviews on Google and I found this opportunity when I was in dire need of petty cash on Craigslist. It was for a tech company, and they were very new like a little startup company or whatever, and they needed reviews just to get them started on their business because I guess they haven't had a lot of customers yet. So me being a writer, it was easy I had to use my skills to make some scratch it is what it is. So I had to come up with a good backstory and how well they helped me and they paid me for it. It was a cool little gig while it lasted and it definitely prompted other people to want to get services from them as since I'm such a great writer, that my review got five stars. So I guess it's not really what you do it's how you do it and what you intend to do with it once it's done. So when you read certain reviews on Amazon Google whatever you'll have to use your discernment on which ones are real and which ones are fake. Because the way how I typed my review you couldn't tell is what I'm saying. 

So ladies and gentlemen, once again, the more of the story is, it's not what you do it's how you do it and what you intend to do with it once it's done..

 believed it. 


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