Dream Interpretation Tarot Karmic Sibling On Astral

 Here is the link to the video 


So I decided to get a second divination opinion from TB. This is in regards to the video which you can click the link above. This is in regards to a karmic sibling ( sister) showing up in the astral scene twice in one week. She goes on to tell me that the reason why she been showing up twice in my dream in one week is because she is feeling some kind of way about us not speaking and wanting to reach out I suppose. I was reading my DMs and so she was saying that she misses the bond and that she sees three girls because it's myself and two other sisters. I guess it's some type of guilt and wanting to reach out and invite me somewhere but already knowing that I will most likely decline. And then if you click the link above I do go into other detail about what's going on in her current energy that she may probably would have wanted to call and talk to me about. I am in a mode where I'm not trying to make any karmic reconnections I don't want anybody throwing situations that they put themselves in on to me in any capacity. Like I said I don't have no beef with my relatives but I have no desire for reconciliation or any type of rehashing. I prefer to go my own way without any of them because I know that spirit will send me my Divine soul tribe in due time one by one. I also know that this is a test because of my anointing and what's coming down the pipeline for me. That people are looking to distribute their negative Karma in various rations as much as possible. I'm in a process of clearing Karma and just playing the game cerebrally. I do not hate anyone but I do not care for the entities that are attached to them, that are working through them in tandem against me in my Ascension. I have to constantly fight back negative thought forms sent by others because I am no longer giving them my energy or reactions so they will try it that way or they will simply meet me in the dream state. I remember in a tarot reading I had got years ago I was told that I will never be close to woman in my family. That they are jealous and treacherous and not to be trusted. It's probably been about 4 years or maybe even 5 years since I had gotten there reading and it still Rings true to this day. I'm not interested in being anyone savior because what comes with that shortly after is being their scapegoat. I will not be anyone's involuntary Muse, siphoning off of my energy while attacking me for producing it at the same time. And whenever they see fit, to tarnish my character and break bread with anyone who wants to see me fail. As long as a person is associated with the ops I will never trust you. I don't care how much you talk my ear off that you're different, that you just like me, and you're going to the same thing at the hands of this person and that person too. The point is, you are not me, you're not their main target you're just a pawn that they use and you are willing to be that for the Opps. If you telling me you not flawed but you use an opp tactics and talking points then you belong right over there with them. What you doing in my face? There is no active beef, as a matter of fact I don't feel anything. I'm at a point in my life where I just wish to be left alone, if you cannot give me the respect and reciprocity that I deserve then you don't get to be in my orbit. Simple and plain 


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