Now you see what I was talking about when I was talking about fighting back karmic in your dreams , specifically karmic relatives.  Before I proceed, this is not a dig or a jab of no sort. I just simply want to say now you know what I was talking about and this is where your counteracting advice didn't pan out well in your own experience. When you ended up having the exact same experience  the goal post is moved.

When people try to redirect your talking points in regards to an experience and how to handle that experience, they will oppose the opinion and offer  the different solution that they feel is better which is fine. But when they go through the exact same thing as the experience that you discussed that made you have this talking point to begin with, now they start to back pedal and ultimately end up doing the same thing that you did in your experience. Does that make sense? For instance it could be like in my situation I'll tell you this a couple months ago on my main page I did a podcast about narcissistic family members trying to attack you in the astral realm or your dreams or whatever and how you must continue to fight back if they present themselves as a threat to you in that space. And the reason for me saying that is because if you were in abusive situations where you didn't fight back or you ashamed when you did fight back you have the opportunity to remix that in the dream state or the astral Realm. You have the opportunity to stand up to them say what you need to say and do what you always wanted to do. Because people come to you and asked around because they're thinking about you talking about you could be doing work on you etc etc many people will come into your dreams to lay hexes and curses on you as well. So another person gives their take one day later after I posted my podcast about it. My intuitive opinion tells me that perhaps their viewers happen to watch my video and those same viewers decided to ask about me to that person. And then here is there low-key response to it, which was not to fight back but to I guess neutralize it with love basically. Which I tried that in one dream instance and it did work so I'm not saying the person is completely wrong. However it's just a simple fact that if I'm talking about a specific experience and what I prefer to do then that's law for me. I don't have to do what the other person suggest to do I can try it out and see how I like it but not every situation that's going to work. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire dark with dark etc etc you as a matter of fact your fire has to be more ferocious your dark has to be the darkest to cancel them out. But now that Spirit directing me to a video where the person is saying exactly what I was saying months ago about her having to fight her relatives in her dreams. So my question is what happened to all the love and light language that was spoken in the previous video. You feel me? This ain't a dig I'm just making an observation  here. Now you see what I was talking about months ago right that's all I'm saying. Now you understand what I meant when I said on my podcast months ago to keep fighting and defending yourself anytime somebody try to press you in the astral Realm. Sometimes the love s*** works sometimes it don't but your instinct is to defend yourself whether you are asleep and in the dream state or awake in the world. So I just wanted to get that off my chest basically now you know what I was talking about. It's not always easy to do that when you feel threatened a lot of people can do different things to you in that space and you got to be sharp about it


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