Will be posting from La Virgo Mafia Tarot #2

 This is an announcement so I'm going to take a small break from my main Channel since hoes want to be fraudulent and sneakedy.. I will be on my Virgo Channel see you guys can check out readings that I'm going to do on there. Since b****** want me to be on the radar so bad I'mma make you hoes starve for my energy by not posting or saying anything. I already dragged upper east Chihuahua face looking ass already everybody can see who's the real imposter copycat or whatever the f*** this idiot was talking about. So I'm going to starve you b****** out by not saying s*** and I might just pre-record all my readings and post them only as private until I'm ready to come back and I'm going to just come in like a rapture. I'mma make people miss my mother f****** energy if they think they're going to keep siphoning off of my spiritual insight meanwhile taking shots and doing imaginary one-sided competitions etc etc I can push my energy somewhere else. I believe I made my point already so I will not be addressing nobody again that was the first time I ever had to address anybody publicly on my channel. So since I got the free promotion by dumb dumb I alchemized it into me posted my best work but of course b****** wanted to hate because the material that I post up it took me a while to edit the video and I think they just didn't want me to post it for other reasons besides what they really saying. Cuz I just started putting GIFs in my reading videos and watch another tarot reader try to copy off of me cuz ain't nobody doing that in the community that I can see. I just started doing that and I think that when I did those two response videos doing the same format, that dramatic didn't want me to post it. So watch b****** start putting GIFs in a Tarot readings so they can copy off of me. I never clocked who's copying off of me but since copycats want to throw me into the pile because they're in the spiritual Hot Seat, let's go ahead and play that game then. Anyways y'all could check me out on my Virgo Channel as well as my Ig for La Virgo Mafia Tarot so be sure to check me out. This is only going to be for divine Virgos only not you unevolved Virgos that f*** it up for the rest of us you guys will not benefit from my readings at all it's not for you. I can always download a live streaming app and start doing my readings and gaining followers I know I can do it I have the personality for it I have the spiritual gifts and the talent to pull it off. I don't need any more confirmations from any other tale readers anymore for as long as I live I will never get a reading from a another person again. Now I wholeheartedly believe in my intuition I no longer need any confirmation I don't want b****** knowing my business so that they can block me because that's what seems to be going on in the community quite a bit. People are very unnecessarily competitive and vindictive and I really don't want no parts of it cuz I will really smack a b****. Anybody else that I did like I'm just going to support very silently I'm not going to go out of my way to show love cuz I need to be stingy with my likes comments and subscribes. What I'm going to be working on the next couple of days is I will carefully go through each tarot Channel that I have ever subscribed to since I started YouTube and I'm going to go and unsubscribe from everyone that's what I'm about to do. I'm taking back all of my energy from anyone's platform they try to take a shot at me out of jealousy. And I'm going to watch how your channels struggle to remain afloat and ultimately crumble before my eyes.


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