Honest Obs

 Not sure if this is some type of karmic coincidence or synchronicity of some kind. But on the subject of cyberstalking, imaginary beef, and the realm of content creatorship I have noticed something as of late. Now I have expressed on my community tab on several occasions through intuitive mail that many readers watch my page covertly and then go on their respective platforms whichever they may be to do a subliminal rebuttal or a subliminal Jab. It's certain key words what they're saying and not saying that raises my eyebrow and lets me know and totally that it is either for me directly or for others like me. I happen to think that it's both actually. When I post up certain content I swear to God another content creator will come on there video, live stream, or Community post and have some type of counter action which makes me know for sure that they do watch me. Not only the content creator themselves but also their moderators and their subscribers who come off as a rabbit fan base or stand base. For example, I've been doing my ritual visuals lately cuz I'm trying to switch up how I do things on my platform. So I promise myself that I was going to greatly reduce the time that I take to do readings and keep them short and sweet. Less than 20 minutes mainly or anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes. Also to be more creative with my post which I have been adding gifts memes music Etc. I've also been posting random vlogs as well just to switch things up on my platform. Since the tarot Community is quite saturated and tainted buy karmic reader. So I am being more careful with my energy to make sure that I'm not leaking energy in any way and distributing it evenly into different passion projects. The whole point is to have listeners and viewers crave my content. So anyways, I was posting up my ritual visuals and showing My Candle Magick videos which has been a major staple on my platform for a couple of years now. So I noticed a six figure subscriber count content creator came out with a video same basically to the effect of well it's more about candle magic and herbs and incense Etc which I absolutely agree with but I just find it interesting with the timing that this person said it. They are also going on to say that it doesn't matter about those things that it's really your mind which I also agree with and that there are other spiritual abilities that people are gaining. So first off I can do both there neither mutually exclusive so I can do my candle magic s*** and at the same time I do have developing spiritual gifts that I often share on my community tab as well as in my videos. It's just the timing of me putting out my kind of ritual videos and showing videos of the flame action that all of a sudden this person is saying that it doesn't matter. Now they could be directing this towards newbies because I feel like this particular content creator attracts a lot of newbies that ask very basic questions all the time and they need someone to hold their hand. Therefore they are liquid money to content creators who need the business. I have spiritual gifts that been budding for months now and I've always done candle magick in my videos. I don't even share everything that I do because I keep some things sacred to myself. So nobody knows how I really get down once I take off that camera on my phone and I start getting deep with my s***. So after this person does it the next morning I get an email with them announcing that they're having a ritual. This is part of an email blast that I've been a part of for a couple years but I've never purchased a class from them or any products from them for some odd reason I just never got around to it. But how do you say to your audience that Candle  magick is this and that but turn around and have a group ritual. A very simple one that you can easily do yourself without having to pay anybody. I used to be the type of person that would join group rituals and I did get advantages from that but I'm a little bit more discriminatory with who I share my Divine energy with. I no longer do group rituals anymore and I don't want my energy meshing with the energy of the overzealous newbies who want to be down and have stars in their eyes thinking everybody is authentic. Not only I look at the content creator but I look at the type of people that they attract as subscribers and I don't want no parts of it to be quite honest with y'all. They also went on to say and I don't think this was about me in particular but it could be about people such as myself but they went on to also say that some spiritualist or Scholars I should say claim to go in the Astro realm and speak with certain deities and beings and said that how it's not true and they're most likely speaking to themselves. I wonder who that person was referring to? Considering they did not attend an event with some other Scholars last year and I was told this by one of my clients who actively attends these seminars that they didn't show up. Maybe they are referencing the people that was there and they had a good reason not to show up it is what it is. But I felt like that was definitely directed to people who often share their astral experiences which is myself and a few other spiritualist/readers on youtube. I know for myself I often share a lot of my astral travel experiences although I do not specifically claim to speak to any deities or beings. I also don't have no reason to lie. I do know that they are people in the community who may be chosen ones but that doesn't negate the fact that chosen ones can also be jealous. Chosen ones can also be competitive elitist ass gatekeepers. These people can sit back and watch content from smaller channels medium size channels Etc they write down everything that they want to say or mentally take note of it, and then they come on their video and make subliminals. Sometimes you will notice that a lot of these karmic readers already know about you before you even knew about them. They've been watching you before you were aware of their Channel and also could have been taking many jabs at you spiritually. All of a sudden they will show up in your algorithm and you will start watching subscribing liking and commenting. Little do you know, you are supporting someone who doesn't even like you and had their eye on you the whole time. If you are a truly gifted spiritualist you will pick up on this energy before you even know who they are. Before they even make themselves apparent to you, you will pick up on their energy in their readings. So when they cyberstalk you and watch your readings with indifferent and evil eyes, they come to your platform and get their feelings hurt because their energy is coming up in your readings. I feel like intuitively this is just a theory of mine, that when they watch our videos they get surprised at what comes out of our mouths. They get triggered because they know they were coming to our platform with indifference and negativity so they literally get their cards pulled. Again, without us even being conscious of who exactly that it is we just know that it's heavy on our spirit and we just say it. I feel like many people are very intimidated by my spiritual gifts and my intuition. My intuition is so on point I know when somebody is trying to Loosely base something off of me. And I am not the only content creator that has this ability. But I'm just speaking from my personal experience. Trust me, they've had their eye on you for a while that's why when they popped up in your algorithm and you clicked on the video everything they were saying was on point so much that you started subscribing you're watching them regularly. They were piggybacking off of your energy, taking shots at you and you're the one that's keeping it up with your Divine energy. When you pull back your Divine energy from the platforms they feel it it's almost like somebody pull the plug out their ass or something. I found it interesting that the content creator the other day made those two comments I felt like they were directing it at someone in particular or maybe a particular group. Cuz I noticed they don't collaborate or mention certain people on social media anymore so perhaps there was some kind of falling out behind the scenes that hasn't been made public. Considering that when it comes to the black spiritual Community everybody shares the same stan base. Many of them will do this because they know that you support them and you will click on their video and watch. Even when I had came out with my live video when Chihuahua wanted to ramp with me, I dragged a lot of covert haters that they low-key had a counter action when I clicked on the videos. Spirit directing me to their video one in particular well actually two. The first one as soon as I click on shorty video all of a sudden I could tell she was doing like a counter action and she was also trying to imitate an accent that is not of her background and that is of my background culturally that is. That's how I knew for sure that she saw my video. She also came out with a video after the girl tried to expose me cuz maybe they're secretly in cahoots with each other talking about a certain zodiac sign will be exposing karmic readers as if I'm in that category. Like I said they want to lump up the Divine readers that they are jealous of and see as competition in with the questionable ones so they can get rid of the competition and reach the top of the pyramid because of course everything is a competition for these girls. I can also tell intuitively that their little clit fleas also email them with videos of mines and other divines and ask that content creator to talk about them or read on them or address them in their next video or live stream. These are the type of tarot groupies that like to stir the pot behind the scenes and live vicariously through the content creator there will be jealous of them on behalf of that contact creator. So they will be monitoring anybody that comes off as a threat to the content creators they deify. So when this person did this, I knew for a fact that they were low-key-directing it at me. I can tell this person is very full of themselves and need constant reassurance and praise which is very typical of their zodiac signs. I think she's in cahoots with Chihuahua especially with the title of that video saying that her zodiac sign which she shares with the Chihuahua are fake exposing so-called karmic readers. Obviously my live stream although it doesn't have a lot of abuse, triggered the punk ass b**** in them for them to respond the way that they did so covertly. I knew that was for me boo boo but I know you ain't never going to address me or tag me. You are not of my cultural background at all and you never use that accent before in your other past videos so I know that was definitely an Ode To Me. I think that my video triggered shorty so much that she was copping pleas in her live stream and she even had the nerve to use my talking points and try to expound on it as if it came out of her mouth to her followers. That's nothing but a regurgitation of my downloads. These be the same girls that constantly talk about somebody copying off of them and I'm not saying it's true or not true but what is quite apparent is that they do that to others also. They also like to disguise their Collective readings to throw shade on those they are threatened by. But when they are speaking verbal sorcery there are actually throwing it on their viewers as well. Which is why when I get a funny energy from certain folks I click off of their video because they're trying to direct it at the viewers as well as whoever they got a secret beef with. Now as for the second example of how I know people was watching that video was another person that I used to watch all the time and thought was cool. Isn't that always has how it is you think somebody is cool and then they show their ass LOL anyways child, I said something to trigger her because I knew that she was siphoning off of my energy with the numerological calculations that I do with my terrible readings. There's not a lot of readers at first because I used to watch Tarot quite often that would even incorporate numerology in their readings. It wasn't until I started pumping out readings that I noticed others were doing it. There's very few tarot readers that actually use numerology or color therapy Etc in their readings. So when I said in my live stream that content creators will watch my channel and even use my same verbiage when I'm making my numerological calculations during my readings on their video. When they did it I immediately felt it in my chest and I said that's exactly how I would have said it that is how I said it! And if you've been watching certain content creators for a while you know they're reading style so when you post up your s*** and then Spirit directs you to watch theirs, you will see a little bit of you in them. They also have been  sending monitoring spirits that are low key with me every time I am hypothesizing, creating brainstorming Etc they come buzzing around me. I believe this is too hijack spiritual Intel downloads ideas that I have and they will try to jam up my phone so they can post it first. Because the whole point is to make the threat look like the karmic reader or the copycat reader. Like I said these people been watching us divine's for a long time on our platforms spiritually plagiarizing off of us and throwing shade at the same time which is mad disrespectful and shows that you have an extreme insecurity within yourself. Anyways I'm done with my little rant or whatever but I just noticed that people pay a lot more attention to my platform than I realize it's very amusing. As soon as I start doing candle ritual visuals again all of a sudden the person is saying something that combats it in some way but will turn around and promote a group ritual. I also think that they may have a point about some spiritualist who lie about their astral experiences in order to entice viewers, but the flip side is that same person could just be simply jealous of the other person's Astro experiences and budding spiritual abilities so they want to discredit them. All the while saying that mental illness is spiritual gifts unTapped but will accuse another person of lying about their astral experiences and that they're just talking to themselves. Is that not crazy making? That's what that sounds like. So all you really have to do is listen to people because it's quite obvious that they sit down and they watch a bunch of small time content creators and take notes and shots at them as soon as they get on their live streams with their much larger audience. And Their audience sucks it up with a biscuit not knowing that they are spiritual plagiarism at play. All you have to do if you want to know if somebody's been having a eye on you for a while as a content creator is before you even had subscribe to their Channel or started watching their videos, I want you to pair up your content to their content and I'm talking about by the date and by the subject matter. If you really look back you will see that they've been in your energy for quite some time and then riding the ways while trying to downplay your energy and use it for themselves. Anyways, I just want to go ahead and share that intuitive Theory with you guys and also one more thing they hack downloads via monitoring spirits and they included in their readings and posted up first so that when you finally post up your readings it makes it look like you're copying off of them when it's really the other way around. All right you guys until next time


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