Intuitive Mail

 Karmicqueshas based their "collective" (its really about you and others like you) reads based off a Divines' storytimes, podcast topics, lectures, community posts and video titles. Constantly monopolizing and hijacking energies. For example when I review past storytimes that may or may not involve divination, I have often noticed that it becomes the basis of a so called collective reading. They like plug in their shady two cents about YOUR journey or twinship. Jealousy is the main reason for this, than they can use #mentalbrujeria and #verbalsorcery on you. You ca tell cuz they use snipets of your vernacular and subject matter. It will be like subliminal rebuttals or counteractions of some sort towards you. Ya see my sugaplums, Karmicquesha and Karmicaitlynn want to play Stephen Spielberg with your energy and try misdivinate your situation to cause sabotage or second guessing. Sometimes titles grab you for a divine reason, I believe other times these titles were made to bait you in a tarot shade fest. Just my 🔭 observations 🤔

What's also interesting is that these karmic readers will subliminally chastise readers who have fell back from doing readings or stopped completely. Now although that may be true about them being frauds and getting caught up so they had to stop, there's the other side of the coin they're not talking about. Because the real Divine readers are the ones that are constantly getting attacked or spiritually plagiarized by these very same people and that is their true reason for scaling it back or 86ing divination all together. Because it's a competition to be seen every day it's a money grab and attention grab Etc not everybody is thirsty to get views clicks and likes. To be burning out your spirits pumping out the same regurgitated Love & Hip Hop storylines over and over and over. Just this morning I was listening to someone and usually the person is on point but I have to click off when this person was talking about twin flames and how you need to slash the contract with them. I really be wondering how many of these readers are actual twin flames and why they feel the need to speak on the mess if they have some type of spiritual rank or senior royalty to do so. They're trying everything that they can to try stop impending unions through these reads that obviously keep you stuck in a karmic Loop over and over. First they're coming then they're not coming, then they're trying to kill you, then they're trying to have a baby on you etc etc they're back with the X again blah blah blah it's the same s*** over and over. I only click on ones that really stick out to me but I give them 5 minutes or less if if I hear some b******* I'm out. You ain't going to be projecting your personal feelings about my twin ship on to me. I'm not slashing and s*** you would like for me to do that wouldn't you? That's why I clicked off that girl video with the quickness. Some of her stuff be on point but other reads feel like her own personal reads. I noticed she disabled comments and there's been a slew of readers that have been doing it. I don't blame them for that actually because some people can comment on your videos and Community posts and can come off very insincere or disingenuous. Other times people could be energy vampires inattention Seekers. Or could have been a lot of Bot accounts commenting it could be a lot of things. I have considered removing my comments too even though I don't really get too many comments like that anyway. I never really get any negative comments either so I'm am grateful for that at least. But I've been thinking about it maybe even truly I will but for now I don't really don't care nobody really says anything under my stuff most of the time people just silently watch and then they s*** out subliminals on their platforms, fair enough. I just be sitting back when I really think about the story time videos that I've done sharing my dreams and all that stuff how that became the basis of these girls readings. That must have been the reason why I was drawn to certain titles because it was targeting my energy in my twin ship. I just want people to leave us twin flames alone with these misdivinations and assumptions about the journey. I encourage any twin to grab a deck of their own cards and start doing their own ratings. Stop letting these social media spiritualist and Tarot readers Run game on you. As soon as they look into your connection, which I'm sure some of them do after you purchase a reading, they do another reading outside of that I'm sure and they find out that you truly are Divine and so is your counterpart. That's where the jealousy comes in and when they do their next video they're going to use bits and pieces of your reading and also tell you something negative about your twin. I remember I had four different readers over the span of four years saying that I would never see my twin again and I ended up seeing that person months later. It was brief yes but it was some other external factors that caused us to drift apart. That was two out of the four readers who said that one was over the phone so ain't no telling what card she really saw. Maybe she saw cards that were quite the contrary but decided to lie in my ear about it. I remember this person didn't even want to elaborate they just kept saying no I knew something was weird then. The other one it was a recorded video and her energy was disgusting it was almost like she was trying to speak for him and didn't even know him. I'm sure they use their spiritual gifts to seek these guys out in once they find out who they are and what they are to me, they try their best to throw a monkey wrench in it. Another one I'm going to do a story time about this one I'm just taking my time with it but she want to bring up my twin in a reading that I didn't even ask her about. I was doing a reading on my finances and she want to bring up my twin talking about I'm not going to see him again I just ignored her and said that's fine I don't know if she expected me to cry or jump out the window or something. Why would I believe you and take that in as fact when two other b****** before you said the same thing and I still ended up seeing him. It sound like you b****** are not twins you guys are jealous because your cards told you what the f*** it really was and you want to sabotage it just say that. Why the f*** would you bring up my twin when I wasn't asking about him why you more worried about it than I'm worried about it? LOL since then I do not let anybody read on me especially about me and my twin. Because of those four experiences that I had over the span of 4 years since I started my twin flame Journey. I've listened to people where these lower level entities will jump inside of them just so they could say something that will make me not watch their content anymore. I will be drawn in by one reading that really hits and once they know that they have my energetic support, is when they start cutting up. That is why I'm doing things a lot more differently I'm on my channel I'm shortening up my readings only doing 10-15 minutes basically less than 20 minute readings unless they're live streams. I want to starve these copycat readers out by only giving just a little piece at a time. Sometimes I just throw things out there because I know that they're going to copy cuz they're so desperate to keep the attention of their clit fleas, it overrides their creative morality. If I fell back from doing readings it's because Spirit told me so. It's because maybe I'm being protected about some s*** I may not know about it


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