Links 2 my Latest Content & Updates!

Here are a few links of some content that I can post in on YouTube. I changed the way that I do my content which means to sporadically content that I have privatized for a couple of days up to about a week or more. I'm doing it to protect the energy to contact you at my work as I have been expressing to you guys the download hacks and attempt at destiny hacks that a lot of these Toxic Readers and toxic reader groupies have been doing. It's like as soon as I've come up with an Idea or topic with It's like within days they copy. These large Channels are so desperate to constantly post material up that they Resorted to plagiarism. So what I've been doing is basically doing my live videos or 15 minute or less reading videos that I take time and pleasure in editing and then I privatized them all my channel. I've also learned the importance of time stamping and date stamping exactly when I say certain things to you guys so that you guys can see visual proof that some of your favorite tarot readers that you look up to Our fraudulent as h***, not divine and are misleading yall. That way the public Take a YouTube Furious and subscribers get to decide who's the culprit. The larger channels are not original I'm not saying all of them are no good because some of them are decent people that work hard to get where they are. But a majority of them are karmic.  I ask spirit to give me confirmation of who the RTS went to Like open Shooting negative energy towards my way And they gave me exactly what I asked for. They let me see the mask slip Of them and others around them. I'm starting to see them crack under pressure but they're trying their best to say face and double down as they are already Into deep and 2 egoentric to apologize. I have no past life dealings with these people I have no present life dealings with these people . They wanted to connect to me and my energy so that they can assume my spiritual identity and it would relieve them of any karma that they would have to pay back. I refuse to be anyone's cheat sheet to Ascension, bitch fuck yewwww ahhaahhaahha

That's why they did a griegious accusations because they were desperate for an energy exchange with a divine. But it backfired on a couple of people, cause I could see they're not really happy Because everything that they're doing is catching up to them and they can't front for much longer.

Update: I'm gonna experiment on TikTok I know that TikTok can be very toxic however I'm not going to be looking at anybody's content on that platform. Because I've heard about the terror to community on "Toxic-Tok. Shiiiit if the bitches on Yt cutting up I know it's worse over there. However I will post mini videos so be sure to follow @thedexterofbrujas on tiktok 

I may randomly pop up on Bigo, although I don't find it the most user friendly for my age group, too much shit flying across the screen, I dont know how to give beans back instantly.  So I tell the viewers to inbox for so I can give them. I want to diversify my creativity to other platforms. Maybe I can get a couple of chicks off some of these websites it doesn't hurt to try and somebody needs to clean up Toxic-Tok anyway. Toodles!


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