711 🌨 SNOW dream


During an evening nap dreamt about snow but see I forgot until I got reminded out of nowheres. So it appears to be night I believe and there it's snowing, there is also a huge pile of fluffy slushy snow nesting in the middle of the street. I ran to it and started playing in it. I felt the icy coldness of it and even tasted the snow 😂. I remember being so happy to see snow I mean it's been nearly 20 years since I been around snowy weather. I saw a group of sistas walking pass giggling like look at her 😂 they said she's so excited it ain't a big deal. I told them "girl it's a big deal to me I ain't been around the snow in years!" Woke up from my nap at 7:11pm

 Have you ever had snow dreams? 🌨 this was my first one.

 Full article here on snow dreams 👇 



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