ArchAngel MJ Astral Experience

 This was 3 weeks ago grom today (community tab on youtube) 2nd week of September or so. Can't pinpoint exact date but it was definitely Virgo season. 

There was also a Astral scene where for some reason or another, I was doing some type of uber or ubereats driving where I had to deliver to someone with an alias late at night in this Astral City. I'm like okaaayyyyy whatever...I end up finding out that it was Michael Jackson! I was given oddly specific drop off instructions that had me feeling kinda weird. I remember talking to a group of ppl afterwards who told me it was MJ. It seems to be aliases and undisclosed locations off the beaten path type shit 🀷🏾‍♀️ Obviously used a Alias to protect his identity obviously. And yes my car is an entity and I often have my car with me in my dreams and Astral travels, its has rescued me when I was in a jam out there couple times πŸš™. I created a vehicular servitor named Haruti Blanca Extravaganza, the day I got her Sept 2021. I don't remember much about this particular scene I just know that eventually Michael Jackson ended up in the backseat of my car. But before that, other people were trying to get into the car and I mean STRANGE people, but the door would not open for them at all. Whenever they got close to HarutiπŸš™, I would press the lock button profusely and I didn't hear any click or indication that it worked. But these people still couldn't get inside; the ONLY person that can get inside the backseat of my car was none other than ArchAngel Michael Jackson. I remember saying nothing to him or being Starstruck like I thought I would, it was more like...yo let me get you away from these fools. MJ was mad quiet too, wearing black and red looked like his 1993 self when 20/20 went to the neverland ranch which is my favorite episode of 20/20. So damn rando but hey 🀷🏾‍♀️ that be my husband anyway. 😍 Don't remember what happened after that cuz the scene changes to fast. #astralactress #michealjackson #alias #deliverydriver #astralrealm #interdimensional


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