Cruise Ship Astral Trip

 10/7/2023 Saturday ♄ 

I fell asleep to a twin flame heart activation video that lasts about 11 hours and 54 minutes. I had a brief dream about being on the inside of a cruise ship. Now I have never taken a cruise in my life but I do take immense interest in doing so as I love travel. Shortly before going to bed, I was watching a video about how to become a travel agent I've been looking at the information for the past week or two. Well anyways, I fell asleep twice yesterday I had a long nap downstairs and woke up at 4:50 a.m. then I stayed up till about 6:00 and went back to sleep. So in this cruise ship Dream I was with family I didn't see everybody just some people. I saw my aunt a my cousin Jay my daughter Lucario and my grandma who is deceased since 2018. We all had our own rooms they were next to each other it seemed. And I remember going to my aunt's room and she had her door open but she had the Belizean flag tied to the knob and tied to some part inside the room. Maybe she needed some air or something felt claustrophobic lol. She was babysitting my daughter who was laying on a pallet and they were watching TV. Some old time show from the 1950s all I saw some credits going up. It looks like I was checking on them before me and my cousin Jay deciding to go about the trip and have some fun I guess. The dream felt very relaxing something that's very much needed like an escape from the mundane life. I also saw my grandmother there she was sitting down in these like waiting areas I guess and she had on a dark blue like navy blue colored sheet that went over her head where I can only see her face but not her body. Completely covered as if she was a woman from the Middle East or even a nun of some sort. She was very quiet and didn't say anything or react to anything even when I spoke to her but I just sit next to her anyway. I'm supposed she's just a symbol and I already looked at the color of what navy blue means and I will paste it here. But this is what I got when I went to

Darker shades of blue can have spiritual meanings such as: 

Passion, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Loyalty, Order, Intelligence, Intuition, Wisdom, Stability, Mystery. 

Dark blue is also associated with the third-eye chakraDarker shades of blue are often associated with the third-eye chakra, intuition, and wisdom. Navy blue can also evoke feelings of power and authority. 

Dreams about cruise ships

In ancient times people used to travel to the astral planes on ships that flew in the sky. This is very common in shamanism.

This part interested me so much about our ancient ancestors going to Astro plane on ships. Then it also talked about cruise ship dreams speaking of emotions and motherly characteristics. I also saw many black people and people of color on this trip because I almost walked into the wrong room with a black family and they stared at me I was like my bad. So did I dream about the mothership? Who were these other backdrop people? Where are we going?

Just yesterday or the day before yesterday I had a dream about playing in the snow. I share this on my YouTube Community tab. I never dreamed of snow ever before. I have lived in the DMV area from the late 90s to the mid-2000s and I've had experienced snow for the first time in Winter of 1997. But in this dream, it was night time I believe and it was snowing and snow was everywhere. There was a pile of fluffy slushy snow nesting in the middle of the street and I just dug in like a big ass kid. I felt the icy coldness of the snow it was so overwhelming for my etheric body and I loved it. I even tasted some of the snow crushed some into my hands rubbed it on my face. There was a group of sister girls that were walking past and they were giggling like look at her it ain't that serious girl LOL and I playfully replied back nah I haven't been around the snow in almost 20 years girl I'm having fun and kept doing what I was doing. And when I looked at dream up it was speaking about inner child playfulness, technically a water dream cuz snow is frozen water. 

Here's what I wrote on my community tab

During an evening nap dreamt about snow but see I forgot until I got reminded out of nowheres. So it appears to be night I believe and there it's snowing, there is also a huge pile of fluffy slushy snow nesting in the middle of the street. I ran to it and started playing in it. I felt the icy coldness of it and even tasted the snow 😂. I remember being so happy to see snow I mean it's been nearly 20 years since I been around snowy weather. I saw a group of sistas walking pass giggling like look at her 😂 they said she's so excited it ain't a big deal. I told them "girl it's a big deal to me I ain't been around the snow in years!" Woke up from my nap at 7:11pm

 Have you ever had snow dreams? 🌨 this was my first one.

 Full article here on snow dreams 👇


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