Symbolism Notes 3:33pm

 11/4/23 3:33pm 

I was parked in front of a Smart & Final eating my lunch. I happen to park next to a white Ford Mustang that had a lot of writings all over it. I've obviously know that it was deliberately done with a permanent black marker. They are writings all over the car but the ones that I could make out and remember was run run make it fun and purge. Which indicates to me someone escaping making an exit and having it done in a grandiose or fun way. Mustang is a horse and the horses associated with Sagittarius energy of freedom traveling growth. The horse runs and it doesn't look back so again with escaping and leaving. Heard something being purged out or based off of the movie where there was Anarchy and unlawlessness. And energy being purged out. Also saw 777 in the back of a license plate which growth Solitude Divine intervention. 222 which is alignment and balance and interpersonal relationships and then finally 3:33 p.m. which is the mind body and spirit is all one in harmony together. Very interesting I saw this within minutes of each other I did copy it down in my brainstorm Journal but I wanted to copy it down here as well. So definitely there's someone that escaped in a very grandiose way Sagittarius hierophant so this could be a teacher philosopher of some sort that made a grandiose exit. I don't know if this person was trying to avoid The Purge or what. That's what it seems like though and the need for Solitude for alignment is present in this message. 777 also speaks to the 7th house about relationships a change in it because the 7th planet away from the Sun is uranus. This also talks about rebellion and evolution. The 222 is for the second house in terms of finances bouncing out as well as personal dynamics. And then we have lastly the 333 for the third house energy lots of activity on social media for obvious reasons. I also saw another synchronicity where title was named after someone that supposedly passed if I find it I'll put it on here but I found a very bizarre for it to be on my algorithm. Very strange Behavior but I'm going to keep it to myself for now and share my thoughts on the highest tier of my patreon.

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