Layer Your Ritual Work Over The Holidays

 Well you know how it is don't you? The holiday season can bring out many different types personalities and emotions within those personalities where their toxic or not. This is when people normally do the most. You'll notice a lot of last minute Shoppers scaring around like co-confused mice. People not being very Vigilant when reversing in their car out of the parking lot in the shopping center. Around this time people tend to drive really crazy even when sober and then of course there are always the drunk driving over the holidays that is pretty customary around this time of the year. So it's kind of that thing where it's like if anything could go wrong it can so cover your ass type s***. Today I want to talk to you guys about layering your ritual work especially over the holidays. If you are doing any type of protection, cleansing, vanishing, or return to senders make sure that you are layering and don't break your routine. Because this will be the time that people will try things because of how they feel inside. So you just want to make sure you cover your own ass and keep up with your spiritual maintenance as much as possible. I just came back from the grocery store it was literally pandemonium. I'm pretty lucky that I actually found a cash register that was unmanned and only the clerk was there begging for a customer. I spent about a hundred and something dollars on groceries and I tell you shopping ate what it used to be. I remember $100 will get you a cart full of stuff it's not the same as the days of old. I know exactly what I was going to get because I had my mind made up of what I was going to make for me and my child for our holiday dinner. This will also be a 5-year anniversary of my Abuelita's transition which is December 25th also known as Christmas Day. So I bought some things so I can make a nice dinner which will be mac and cheese, stewed or baked chicken, some Caesar salad with cilantro avocado ranch dressing. I also bought a bottle of whiskey so me and my ancestors and spiritual gang gang can get lit over the holidays. Because baby.. I am not planning on leaving the house until the 27th. I've been looking at astrologist forecast videos for the current Transit and they were saying that December 25th to about the 27th that there will be like a energy of delays with a dash of Chaos, not a very favorable time to close any deals so to speak. The astrologists were saying to try your luck around the 27th 28th 29th and the 30th of December when the transits have already concluded in the way is clear. Another favorable time is January 2nd to January 13th which is a good time to close any deals when it comes to transitioning and moving. Beautifying the home, making renovations, and a favorable time for inheritance payouts. So I like to kind of use that somewhat of like a compass on how to move and try to cover my ass with this ritual work to make sure that I can get the best out of any Transit situation possible. Now I won't religify it of course if I need to do something and there is a time lapse or a deadline around the corner I have to do what I got to do of course right. But just so you guys know what the favorable times are so that you can know the best way how to work the energy that's about. I also bought some vanilla flavored eggnog for the first time in which I am mixing in with my whiskey. I of course didn't get a chance to make any Belizean rum popo like I usually do but I know there will be people in the cultural Community locally that will sell it. But for now, I have made me a whiskey Popo with vanilla eggnog and loaded with lots of ice. I'm not planning on leaving the house until the 27th or 28th. I'm just going to handle my business and come straight home you feel me? The energy is very hectic and I am very sensitive to it. You don't know how many times I have babysitted people on the road recently given the time of the year that we're in. If it wasn't for my vigilance and carefulness when driving I could have had a few minor fender benders for sure. The last minute Shoppers are scurrying trying to get what they need to make Christmas dinner which is pretty much Thanksgiving 2.0. I was grateful to just go in and out within a matter of 15 to 20 minutes like like a ninja from a late '80s early '90s flick. Now that I have what I need I don't need to leave the house and that's normally how I shop anyway. The day before I went to the Botanica to get some candles for phase one of season 2 of candle magic and chill. That will be airing sometime in the spring of 2024 but I did film a video and it is currently unlisted until then. So basically more of the story is to make sure that you are maintaining up for Vibes as much as possible. Yesterday I received a download of two words which is Detachment and gratitude. And that's how I'm going to in my year out with. I'm not sure of my New Year's plans I absolutely love New Years though. I may consider going out somewhere I may not it just really depends on how I'm feeling. But for the last few New Years I didn't really do anything. I have to say the last time I socialized outside my house for New Years was like 2021. So depending on what's going on I may do a short cameo show face laugh a lot sip a little smoke a little Etc and be out like I never came. I hope that you guys enjoy your holidays keep up with your spiritual maintenance and be sure to practice gratitude and detachment to close out the 2023 year. See you guys in 2024!


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