January 1st 2024-948 p.m. Pacific Standard Time

So I just woke up from a dream or an astral experience and I can only remember a few things. Well the most important thing would be a baby which could stand for so many things of course. What was interesting is that I was laying back and my stomach skin was basically see through. It was like a transparent pregnant stomach where my skin was really thin and I can see the baby. It looked like the baby was upside down so I flipped it over with my hand. I was very concerned whether it was living inside of me or if something happened or whatever. So as I'm maneuvered the baby and flipped it over on the correct side I know this there was a heartbeat and I felt it while I was rubbing the baby's back. Mind you the baby's body is protruding outward through my see-through skin. I was relieved to know that it was alive and rubbed its back and made sure I can hear that heartbeat. Anyways the skin on my stomach was so thin that I basically gave myself a C-section and birth the baby right there. Strange right? So the baby ends up looking exactly like my daughter who is my first child and only child. But my child was already in my dream so the second baby looked exactly like her. And she started to grow fast like already looking like she's six seven months already. I covered her up with a blanket when people were walking in the house some of them were relatives. And then the scene changed I think and I know this sounds so random but all of a sudden I see 50 Cent the rapper guy coming out of nowhere and I was like talking to him right. And I was like yeah n**** I just had a baby and it was like he already knew. And he was like congratulating me and whatever the case was just having small talk. So anyway I ended up having a full-blown conversation with him talking about numerology. He seemed very interested in it and I was getting a notebook and I was asking him what's your birthday so we can figure out what your life path number is. And I don't remember what happened after that I think shortly after I woke up. But that's crazy though I'm sitting here talking to this 50 Cent and like talking about numerology and he seemed cool. In the back of my mind I was like I heard a lot of ignorant stuff and seeing a lot of agent stuff from you but you quite all right. So I guess to break you down the symbolism obviously he's just a symbol so 50 that adds up to five I'm a life path five. He's also a cancer so that is the mother and also ruled by the moon. And of course a baby is an idea, A New Life Etc something that I wanted to survive and it ended up Surviving and not only that but it grew up fast in a matter of seconds this baby. Interesting that I would have this dream on the first day of 2024. I guess the main takeaway point is that whatever that I am working on or giving birth to Will Survive and thrive. This new beginning will be solidified and the five from 50 Cent which indicate huge change in my life. From my maternal lineage which is what the cancer zodiac sign which represents motherhood maternal ancestral Roots Etc. It also represents secrecy that be secretive about the changes that are coming into my life. Even the things that I had to put on the back burner or ideas that were on life support. It basically is showing me that it is going to pull through and when it does to be very secretive about it and withhold sacred information. Even given illusion of whatever other people assume to see but secretly be doing well type s*** oh well it was a very interesting dream nonetheless I just wanted to express that on this blog. I hope that you guys enjoyed it happy 2024!


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