THIS IS NOT TAROT RELATED*** ARTICLE ON LITHROMANCY My thinkpiece on my lithromancy. I learned about this recently and watched a couple videos and I'm like yoooooo that be n shit ahahaha Asexuality and Aromance is very wide spectrum and more types and definitions are created these days but I narrowed it down for me. As far as sexuality I am Gray-Sexual which is a subset of Asexuality. As far as Romance I consider myself Pan-Romantic and Lithromantic which is what I will be covering today. As far as Gender Expression I consider myself an Androgyne and a Woman. My pronouns is "She" of course, I'm not big on pronouns however I respect others' pronouns though. I discovered Lithromancy and realized how much it applies to me, all this time I thought something was wrong with me. 😆😆😆But nah I just think that I'm precious and romantically complex. I watched a YouTube video called 10 signs your ...