My thinkpiece on my lithromancy. I learned about this recently and watched a couple videos and I'm like yoooooo that be n shit ahahaha

Asexuality and Aromance is very wide spectrum and more types and definitions are created these days but I narrowed it down for me. As far as sexuality I am Gray-Sexual which is a subset of Asexuality. As far as Romance I consider myself Pan-Romantic and Lithromantic which is what I will be covering today. As far as Gender Expression I consider myself an Androgyne and a Woman. My pronouns is "She" of course, I'm not big on pronouns however I respect others' pronouns though. I discovered Lithromancy and realized how much it applies to me, all this time I thought something was wrong with me. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†But nah I just think that I'm precious and romantically complex. 

I watched a YouTube video called 10 signs your a Lithromantic

 annnnnd these were my findings:

I wasnt sure if I was going to tick all the boxes in regards to lithromancy. But I like researching personality types anything in the realm psychology, taboo, mysticism etc so anyway this is a 10 signs video of if you are a Lithromantic

So#2 #4 #5 #8 #9 #10 applies to me. I have fake crushes, that I do nothing about and I live in my head. I've even had women compete with me over males that I cared nothing about and dry-liked them πŸ˜†πŸ€£. I think also its because growing up.I've NEVER seen a healthy relationship let alone marriage. I've seen women and men put up with a lot just to keep up with a lie to satisfy their families and society. I don't ever wanna be like that.I prefer to live for me after anything else. I'm big on sovereignty, autonomy, and freedom. I don't ever want to lose myself in someone if its not real or reciprocal, if they don't even honor because its not easy to do. And I've seen other people lose themselves completely in other people just for a sliver of appears to be "love." It just never been my thing, and I try my best to avoid falling in the same traps. I'm not repulsed by romance at all, though I love seeing all kinds of couples love up on each other. Because love is a beautiful thing and I'm not against it! Rom-Coms doesnt make me cringe or anything, or even romance novels. My fake crushes change like the seasons. I could like someone to be attracted to them but want to have absolutely NOTHING to do with them! πŸ˜… This is caused me to get a lot of static from both men and women who don't mind playing Romantic Hunger Games. 

I would have to REALLY , REALLY like someone in order for me to want to explore past my preferences/comfort. That's the real test, the person will have to make me want what I never thought I wanted or needed. Other than that I can process a whole relationship in my mind with the idea of them from start to finish and be completely done with it without any time wasted or feelings violated. I think it's genius! Ha! 

I honor my solitude and if i was to deal with anyone they would have to be similar to me and very understanding about this. If we have a house I want my own room.I want you to have your own room and then we have a couples room that we share together in the middle.... There have been guys (gals too) that held it against me to this day. Vex that I didn't want to be with them, but it wasn't because of what they thought it was. I already knew just by observing them that we would be incompatible because I didn't like the way that they think towards women or how they approached life. Even if they treated me differently than the others, I know they would eventually try implement the same plan for me down the line and I am not going for any of dat. I'm not saying they weren't inherently bad or good people but they just not good for me specifically. They want me to go through the motions and find out but I already know what it is ppl just want to waste time and collect ppl.πŸ˜… I am not to be collected. So I guess I'm a Lithromantic Muvafucka too then shiiiΓ¬it

 I'm go ahead and add that to my Disclaimers/ Terms and Conditions πŸ˜…πŸ€·πŸΎ‍♀️


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