Honest Obs Virgo Szn Edition #Virgo #Rant Calling out Shady Unevolved Sept Virgo Reader on YT and Toxic Virgo Online Groups



If you are a 1st decan Virgo (8/23-9/2) mainly if you are an #AugustVirgo, be mindful of other Virgo readers on here that play into the whole childish "August versus September ♍️" divisive bullshit. Not only we got readers who are Virgo Haters but we got August Virgo haters who are readers that secretly don't like us so stop leaking NRG. DO NOT SUPPORT THEIR CHANNELS OR BUY GOODS/SERVICES FROM! If you feel like a september born virgo reader is throwing shade on you and showing favoritism only for their month, you can come to this channel cuz I'm not on that type of time. Clearly these insecure boring ass bitches don't know astrology, because if they did, they would know that the first decan is double ruled by mercury making us the most Virgo out of all of them. The #hatred and the obsession that they have with August Virgos need to be studied. We are the hot topic in the Virgo Communitayy and I will go as far as to: AUGUST VIRGOS ARE THE MOST HATED ZODIAC SIGN INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE VIRGO COMMUNITY/THE WHOLE ZODIAC. 😁🥱😈 Because I never cared about months and I see why people who aren't ♍️ drag us....but I know the type of virgos they talking about so I don't even get offended anymore Unless it's unjustified.. When people meet us, they say they don't like Virgos But they always say they end up fucking with me because I don't move like how unevolved virgos move... I think people in the community are toxic and boring.And they want to make themselves feel better than someone by being childish about the month they're born in. The months do not matter , it's the decans, and it also shows how desperate you are for superiority and validation. We are a hot topic because people can't stop bringing us up all over the internet every day. So August Virgos you have a home here cuz I don't discriminate!!! I go by EVOLVED VS UNEVOLVED VIRGO not by months you are born. I'm cool with ♍️ who have air and fire (masculine energy) in their natal chart. But the ones I noticed causing this division, I bet you they have more feminine energy in their chart so the snazzy-ness makes sense thats why I don't fuck with them. #MichealJackson the most ICONIC Virgo no one else dead or alive will compare to my husband, is a MF August Virgo so ...cho' ass up bitttcchhhh

And lastly, don't nobody be saying shiiet up in our faces cuz we the firey Virgos ( earth+fire=lava), so they gotta be online with the shenanigans NEVER EVER IN PERSON. I've never had anybody talk down on me for being an August ♍️ to my face cuz they FUCKIN know better. Beside We have a whole natal chart to consider those ppl that do August vs September are IDIOTS who dont know astrology/numerology. We really like that inna real life so Kill dat

Anyways, if a Virgo reader in #tarotland hate you/ show preferential treatment cuz of the month you are born in, playing into childish division (which shows how triggered and jealous they are of us), UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THEM AND COME TO DEATH ROW‼️

Youtube @UrbanAlchemystic and @LaVirgoMafiaTarot 

Instagram @seremein_ahari_tarotanica 

Bandlab (for music and collabs)


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