TBDs Updates & Download
Shifting my NRG away from my main YT channel and exploring other platforms and posting on there..this will be for an unspecified/indefinite time. This is as a result of Spiritual Plagiarism because I can handle the usual Malo de Ojo but using me as an INVOLUNTARY muse is a no-no so I will starving out these fraudulent copycats by staking yet another strike this time not for a month but much longer. Let's see how what they come up with when I abandon my youtube channel and focus on other things that interest me, including other platforms that I haven't nurtured or tried yet. I will direct my enemy also into the occult and astrology courses I paid and signed up for which will be fun! Also perfecting my songwriting on #Bandlab, gathering old writings of uncompleted songs and playing tetris with it, seeing what can fit and what needs to be revised. I have been hearing melodies and jingles that can be used for hooks/choruses so a writing sesh is definitely in order this week goin...