My OWN Download I Can Share 4 Divine Collective

 Happy 1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣0️⃣ Portal❗️

My download for today is that for divine feminine and divine masculine that yo Spiritual Ops/Principalities Cannot harm you although they have tried through various channels and sources, so the only thing they can do to irk you is Copy/Plagiarize off of your content if you are a content creator like me and/or entrepreneur. They tried hiring practitioners to do work and readings on ya, they done tried to use tarot magick, and other divination tools to pocket watch your trajectory and spy on you. They send fleas and flies 🪰 to watch you every time you are brainstorming 🧠  ⛈️ so that every idea you come up with, is allofusudden their newest interest/idea. This is a slick destiny/character swap that's being done on the Divine Collective including myself, as a result of the karma these Karmic Readers/Spiritualists are been facing all 2024. I have been guided to pull away from my main youtube channel because of spiritual plagiarism , which is rapid in the tarot community. I do know that they are unable to harm any of us and they have tried several tin short. However the only way that they can get to you is to copying your creativity and hard work. We must starve these energies out by purging ourselves from social media(if you have a presence there) or perhaps switching platforms temporarily. I was guided to fall back from my main channel and that is what I will do, although I had so much content that I wanted to give to my audience. Since Karmic Readers with 5 to 6 figure subscriber accounts tend to scour the digital underworld of the youtube space finding smaller youtubers to feed off of, we have to find ways to recharge,  scale it back,  or switch gears completely. If I do make content though, it will be UNLISTED videos that will only make it to my patreon. Semi guys my find yourselves having to hide your content behind a paywall.Because of content vultures picking at recent and past content. I believe That a small youtube verse in the spiritual community should be able to support each other against this machine. We do have some small youtumbers who are sell outs and crash out dummies for larger Channels. They do their dirty work for them in hopes.of being accepted and sharing fanbases. PLEASE BE CAREFUL OF THESE PEOPLE. You can easily detect them because they fan.Girl and fan boy the larger TAROT channels. If they are chimney to them and don't hold them accountable , they get rewarded to sharing found bases and moving up the ranks , so it's very gatekeepy. So for the meantime, for myself I will be pushing my energy towards other platforms.Because of course, I do love creating.I just know that my channel's too hot right now. These Karmic Readers with large followings need us more than we will EVER need them. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn.Let's see how these energies play out for the duration of this month. Be mindful not to leak energy at this time.



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