Links,Updates, DLs etc.

 Here are some links for my episode of CANDLEMAGICK&CHILL, SOME RITUAL VISUALS AND SPIRITUAL BATH VLOGS (in that order)

For early and exclusive access to my latest expose' videos and also other content, join the patreon



I do have my Exposé videos on there they are unlisted YouTube videos so be sure to join the patreon so that you can have early and exclusive access to that content. I have not released these videos out publicly yet I'm still waiting for the right time which of course it is inching closer and closer. Of course I do have to run a few more tests and assessments and observe a little bit more before I unleash the beast. I like to allow my evidence and receipts to pile up so that the evidence will be damning and deliberate. 

I also have some fun videos like me going to Hermosa Beach for a non-invasive cosmetic  procedure and doing kind of like a Ride Along with you guys. I'm grateful for the messages that I've been receiving lately I also want to say happy Halloween and I hope that you guys enjoyed your Halloween yesterday. I'm still celebrating and still giving offerings all the way up into my cultural holiday on November 19th and then that will be that and I'll just stick with my weekly or bi-weekly ancestor offering schedule. Yesterday was joyous but also I did shed a few tears for my departed loved ones but it wasn't really a bad thing it was more of I miss y'all but I love how Limitless they are out there. I'm glad I finally pulled everything together I got some food for them and liquor flowers sweetbreads and cakes and candies Etc I also got some interesting flavored wines and whiskey and rum. I have a pineapple chili wine which tastes really good I never tried that before in my life. Scott's Wine and Spirits in downtown Los Angeles is where I had bought this other pineapple wine from a brand called XXL and this one is 16% so this is the good stuff. Everybody knows especially my wine connoisseurs and enthusiasts no that a good quality wine has to be 14% or better.

So I'm just glad I got everything together right on time got all my offerings together and it was a great night. I am working on some new content but of course I'm pacing myself. I'm going to dedicate more of my time to tick tock cuz I just feel like I have more of a chance at getting a larger platform there. I haven't noticed in some strange activity on my tiktok and I know these comes from people who are from YouTube and maybe people that I used to know in the recent past or whatever. But I've been noticing dummy accounts saving reposting and following me. And these are strange dummy account names that have various numbers and letters to it. I get a very weird energy looking at it and also there are people with actual profiles that with his feature on tiktok you're able to see if they saw your page and vice versa. But irregardless I am going to steal post but I'm just being very careful with my movements because people will literally cyber stalk you from platform to platform because that's how desperate they are to steal from you.

I just did a video on monitoring Spirits yesterday on tiktok so I'm going to go and check how that's going and just basically plan out my content on there. I think I'll do a little bit more story times like off camera story times with beautiful visuals that they have on that platform, I think that'll be great. And I just switched over my podcast from spreaker to Spotify podcast and it's a little bit different than what I'm used to but that's fine. I had to leave spreaker because of my recent two podcast episodes that haven't loaded up. It takes forever to load and the customer service is crappy and unhelpful. Now using this new platform I have to download a recorder and on top of that I don't think you can post your music on Spotify podcast unless you make a separate profile but I do not think that they allow you to play music on your podcast or something I'm not sure about that. Stay tuned for more ritual visuals which I will be posting on my YouTube and my tiktok. I'm not posting any more divination content at least for undisclosed time on my main YouTube channel because of spiritual plagiarism as I have discussed several times already. I do appreciate the love that I do get in the encouragement for me to keep doing my thing. So I will always continue to do my work but I just have to do it a little bit more differently and diversifying my energy on to other platforms.

So on my main YouTube channel it's just going to be me posting my candle magic and chill episodes, storytimes, ritual visuals, honest obs, rando vlogs and pretty much everything but divination. Now for my Virgos I do have a Virgo Channel I don't promote it that much but I do promote it sometimes on my main Channel you can go there for my readings. That channel is very low-key and that's what I prefer to be but I have noticed a couple of views coming up on maybe like two videos on that profile so maybe some people found me and some people followed me if you know what I mean. Even all the way to tick tock as well and I do get some views on this blog as well too.

And of course I would do divination for those who join my patreon, as I do Post content for both free and paid tiers. Here's the link to join 

For early and exclusive access to my latest expose' videos and also other content, join the patreon


Getting back to the early beginnings of my spiritual journey by watching some of the spiritualist/practitioner/ mediumship content not to mention audiobooks, other forms of divination and online courses. Gravitating away from YouTube tarotland and of course I will support the very few people that I like on the platform of course. It's too overly saturated with frauds scammers copycats fake spiritual Karen's and I'm just over it. I'm over the selective discernment of the community of readers and subscribers/viewers. I have many other talents and gifts that I can express beyond tarot and other places that I can go to diversify my energy elsewhere so it's all good over here. I'm starving out the karmic copycat energy off of my platforms by retraining from posting on my main YouTube channel because it's too hot and people been feeding off of my energy and manifesting off of the content that I create on there. It's been interesting few weeks watching them crash out because I'm not posting things for them to steal. It just goes to show how entitled they are and how long they've been doing it before I was even privy to it.

I've been seeing so many fives and I am a life path five so it's wonderful to see my number being repeated everywhere I look. I've also been seeing a series of ones sevens Eights threes and fours in various sequences. My rituals have been popping all my candles have clean Burns because I've been clearing out my energy and returning energy that doesn't belong to me back to where it came from. I always keep up with my rituals weekly or bi-weekly I never go too long without you know cleansing uncrossing reversing Etc and when you are a spiritualist and you do divination Etc you have to cleanse your energy weekly by taking spiritual baths. You have to cleanse your divination tools each time that you use them as well as the space in which you are doing your readings. You have to put Protection work over your your business and your social media platforms weekly, depending on if you are doing it because of something that's going on or just for simple spiritual maintenance.

I hope that you guys enjoy the update and I'll try to make sure that I post on here a little bit more often I definitely will carve out some time for that. Be sure to follow me on tiktok as well @TheDexterOfBrujas 



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