My 10 Year Since Anniversary 2 My Loved One Thinkpiece

 (For my records and a timeless message I wanted to save for myself, as well asshare with you all. Dealing with loss after a decade and lessons learned)

10 years Anniversary since my Tio 🙏🏾 🪦 🌹 🕊 

November is quite an eventful month for me in many ways it's anniversaries birthdays and cultural holidays. In 2014 my world got cold and then in 2018, it got even more colder 🥶 🧊 

He was a true representation of a DM and he didn't start off that way, came from the trenches and still carried himself like the Leo King he was. If I was to be with an ideal man, he has to have my Tios NRG yo Str8LikeDat. He always knew how to creep up on yo ass giving you hella jumpscares 😆 LITERALLY like a LION but he was a gentle Beast I would say. Even if He just met you 5 minutes ago, if he sense you real: he would give you the shirt off his back, fade any nigga for you, buy you a drink and cook for you. But child if you was his enemy....😅 I believe he was misunderstood all these years and everybody has a dark side it's all good. But he had a "FAFO" reputation in Belize a long time ago I just chalked it up to the fact that he just wasn't a person that took shit he didn't like bullshit and neither do I. I remember I took his transition so hard that I literally had a dream that we were sitting on this black bench at this park. I was leaning into him and he was holding me while I was crying about him being gone. Weird right? He's literally right there but I was crying about him being gone and I remember seeing his face he just looked kind of sad like damn. I also remember toxic relatives I didn't get along mentally masturbating to my grieving process. It was like they were happy to see me in some type of pain. They knew we was close and I was the 🍎 of his 👁. He was a fierce protector and always attracted a lot of people to him. He was a man of a few words he definitely had a different energy than your average Leo man (maybe when he was younger but they mello out when they age) but still had Mufasa traits if that makes sense. When a man a few words decides to speak, everyone listens cuz it actually means something. People would run their mouth bout him but they would never say anything to his face like ever. 😆 🤣 that's got to be genetics! Anyways it's been 10 years and I'm grateful that I have such a powerful man watching over me cuz I know he's one of the main reasons nothing entirely bad has happened to me. I have to credit him and my grandmother for sure for holding me up do trials and triumphs. They were signs before he passed like my dogs at the time were crying, also a dead black dog by my door all kinds of s*** I actually saw his body where he was hunched over in a seating position against a fence...( he was on his walking to a relatives house where was staying, I was the last to see him alive, he got off on his stop on the train and I continued) everyone was scared to go near his body but I sat next to him and leaned into him. In 2014, I changed my opinion about death, I started bingewatching documentaries on near-death experiences, the afterlife, etc. I listen to Sylvia Browne's audiobook "LIFE ON THE OTHER SIDE" which helped got me through my bereavement. Then I started having a series of dreams and paranormal experiences. I saw his Spirit Go pass me when I laid out some water for him ( a cultural tradition when a death happens: a glass of water, two sticks in the sign of a cross on top of the glass) and his spirit was a light icy blue color dashing past my peripheral. At this time he wasn't sure if he was dead or not so he came to my house. As soon as I laid it out on the kitchen counter, his Spirit Dash right past me and I feel a chill go down my spine. He tried to materialize late that night, i saw the icy blue silhouette of him, I was frightened I siked myself out. This was in 3 days, he didn't know he was gone yet. Well anyways happy 10-year anniversary and I know that you're doing well out there in the other dimensions thank you for always protecting me and my daughter. Burning 🔥 ancestor money for you and getting you your favorite Brewsky....Busch Beer today. 🍺 He was named after 2 archangels, no wonder!!!! 

Continue to Rest in Infinite Power My Tio Guardian Angel 😇 



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