😁 Welcome 2 My 🆕 Blog

 Hello welcome to my blog I'm using type to text feature right now cuz I don't feel like typing. I am going to delete or at least privatize my previous blog. I'm going to read through it first since we're still kind of in the Retro energy. Perhaps I should keep it because it definitely does show my growth an evolution it's like a hardly recognize myself in those years that I wrote what I wrote. I may give it some thought but if I don't delete it, I will definitely privatize it for sure. Maybe even charge for Access you feel me 😆

So this is going to be a Blog that's going to go along with my tarot Channel on YouTube and this also includes La Virgo Mafia Tarot #2 as well where it is suited just for Virgos and strong Virgo placements. Virgo lovers are also welcome it's so long as you're respectful. Who knows I might even make it separate La Virgo Mafia Tarot blog to speak about Virgo topics so that's something to consider in the near future. But for now I'm going to start off with this blog and start doing some posts regularly. 

So this blog is basically to address all things in Tarot land just like how they have tea pages I will do the same on here but without mentioning names, it will be used as reference for talking points I will make in regards to tarotland. I already know what my first topic is going to be and that will be coming up soon. It will be about me noticing certain trendy strategies that other content creators to grows their channels  in my niche are using and will be doing the same and seeing how it goes this is just an experiment of course. I've had my channel longer than a lot of people and it is interesting how the amassed so many subscribers and views so I'm going to test out these features and I'll share my journey on here. I don't have no problem keeping it real about my channel and how I do things unlike everybody else. I've had my YouTube channel since 2009 and I wasn't always a Creator I was more of a watcher and commentary. In 2009, I made a few videos here and there but I wasn't acting like that. I would come back to it every so often but I was mostly using my channel for watching and commenting on others content. I finally decided to share my spiritual journey shortly after sharing my weight loss journey like around 2016 ish maybe even 2015 I'm not sure. But that's when I started posting a little bit more again I was more of a watcher wasn't really concerned with subscribers back then. So my number slowly but surely creeped up I've had my channel for 13 years and currently have 869 subscribers. But the truth is, I haven't really been posting back to back I was a very casual content creator now if I were to put in the effort that I did now back then I probably would have been in the larger sector or somewhere near there. YouTube was only around for 4 years around that time nobody knew it was going to blow up this big.

Anyways I'm going to get more into it but it's just the fact that I noticed people who tarot channels just sprouted up months ago already getting 500 or more subscribers and they just started like 2 weeks ago when I look in there about section. Of course nobody going to say how they did it I'm not here to knock nobody hustle but b**** I'm about to do it tewwww 😆😅 TF. Up until today everything was organic I probably dabbled a little bit a few years ago just to test it out but I never did it regularly now I'm thinking that I should have. Perhaps that's the strategy of other channels is to slowly but surely feed each video with bought views. Then also feed their subscriber count as well so that they can get monetized. Now I think I got grandfathered in for some of the features that people that have created the page less than 5 years ago have to wait for. For instance I got my community post when I reach 700 subscribers, I was able to finally go live too I thought I had to wait but as soon as I reached about 700 subs I was able to do live streams. I've had my AdSense account since I signed up for my Google YouTube account in 2009. Now I hear you have to wait till you reach a certain amount of subscribers before you get it but since those of us old school users had the AdSense feature we didnt have to deal with any thresholds they just gave it to us. There are people that I followed back in 2009 and early 2010s that have decent channels that are in the subscriber count of five figures like lovely tea I'm a old school watcher of hers. I was watching her channel from way back and she has evolved and blossomed so much so if I would have started around the time that she did because she was just doing regular videos the picture wasn't even clear but she was like in her closet or bathroom. Really simple humble beginnings and look where she is now. If I would have started in 2009 and kept going I would have been fine but I was around a lot of jealous energy dealing with a covert narc sibling rivalries and me recording with them at that time it would have definitely been a problem a very big public falling out that would have had people commenting all kinds of things. In some way I feel like it would have been some type of indication for me because other people would have been able to see what I saw in the situation, in other words they'll be able to see what I was going through with certain people. So I guess that's probably why Spirit didn't want me to start my YouTube channel with my sister back then. Because just simply doing videos with her was energy draining and when I look back on the old videos I really cringe y'all LOL you can literally see the entity attachment the jealousy the envy and I was really trying to ignore it at the time. I was slowly waking up but I was trying to deny that I was woke at the time. I know that word won't get thrown around quite mercilessly but that's what it was for me. I'm glad that I had decided to move on and switch up my channel name and everything cuz this channel was a totally different name it was a dual Channel with me and my sister. I recognize real early that this wasn't going to work and I would have to be a content creator by myself. So I changed the name of my channel to a single content creator Channel. 

So since I know how these content creators in my niche are growing numbers in the shortest amount of time I guess it's fair to say that that's what everybody is doing is buying views like subscribers and even comments too. I will go into the specifics about what I did in my next vlog but I just want to give you guys a little taste. That not everybody grows their audience organically and it's not a shame tactic or anything but just keep it real right like what I'm about to do with this blog. Maybe that's how six figures subscriber count channels were able to get those numbers through buying subscribers views likes and comments regularly. The way how people are these days they don't value anything until they see other people value it then they will quit to see what the fuss is about. So I see why they done that if they buy a thousand subscribers and 1000 views, they will be in the recommended videos section where their video will pop up. And people will be interested in seeing what they have to say in the video. I already know I have the personality I'm very creative I'm funny as f*** I have a very colorful vocabulary and nobody can really quite do it like me. And it's not like I know cocky s*** it's just that I know who I am and what I can provide and I'm sure those who are reading this know what I'm talking about. No one can outdo you being you more than you can you feel me?! So I'm going to switch up how I do things with this experiment and we'll see how it goes shall we? 


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